Recommendation Books

  • Pokemon
    A brief introduction to Pokemon and its mega evolutions, followed by a mention of The Three Bears and a book recommendation.
    Eye Icon 6256
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  • Hurricanes
    Ajnin, Brown Beard, and Olly the Alien discuss hurricanes and how they form, their effects, and safety recommendations.
    Eye Icon 1780
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  • Some of my Favorite StoryJumper Authors!
    A book featuring many of my favorite authors, and the books they have written! If you want to be in here you can just comment below.

    Did a little update on the book!…
    Eye Icon 119
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  • Youtube
    An introduction to YouTube, its different platforms, and popular YouTubers, with a recommendation for younger viewers to use YouTube Kids.
    Eye Icon 217
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  • My First Penn State Football Game
    A young girl attends her first Penn State football game with her friends, experiences the excitement of the game, and celebrates their victory.
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  • Slippery Facts About Figure Skating
    Tori, that was really nice, very well done. Keep up the good work and I will keep reading all your stories. Mommy
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  • Shout out to ONE of my unnoticed fan!
    A recommendation for an author named Avery Willard, with a playful ending.
  • Home Alone
    A recommendation to watch the comedy film 'Home Alone' and praise for the main character's bravery, humor, and cleverness in protecting his house from burglars while home alo…
    Eye Icon 82
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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