Repetitive Books

  • Finding My Voice Autism Through My Eyes
    Learn about autism through the eyes of a middle school child who lives with it day to day.
    Eye Icon 2516
    Star Icon 148
  • Hello Colors, Colors, Colors!
    A colorful and repetitive book that introduces different colors and objects to young readers.
    Eye Icon 2523
    Star Icon 65
  • lego's
    A collection of sentences describing various Lego creations, with repetitive language and grammar errors.
    Eye Icon 3961
    Star Icon 45
  • Five Little Ducks
    A repetitive and rhythmic story about a momma duck and her little duckies going out and coming back.
    Eye Icon 2186
    Star Icon 2
    A simple and repetitive book that teaches body parts and encourages interaction.
    Eye Icon 5106
    Star Icon 22
  • Nanta Katiohmi?
    A short story about different animals and their actions at night, with repetitive phrases.
    Eye Icon 15
    Star Icon 3
  • Brown Bear What Do You See?
    A repetitive and rhythmic story about animals observing each other, ending with a list of all the animals.
    Eye Icon 1470
    Star Icon 9
  • Grey elephant, what do you see?
    A repetitive and rhythmic story where animals and objects see each other, ending with children seeing a variety of things.
    Eye Icon 286
    Star Icon 3
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