Review Books

  • StoryJumper
    A review of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of using StoryJumper, a website for creating children's books.
    Eye Icon 29162
    Star Icon 329
  • Pokemon Go
    Arjun shares his experience and opinions about the popular game Pokemon Go, including joining a team, visiting Poke Stops, and the new update of having a buddy Pokemon.
    Eye Icon 3187
    Star Icon 87
  • Math Review!
    A math teacher reviews addition and subtraction problems with their class, ending on a positive note.
    Eye Icon 75
    Star Icon 2
  • the pop culture of medieval video games
    A description of the game Skyrim and its appeal, including gameplay, races, weapons, armor, and a review summary.
    Eye Icon 64
    Star Icon 11
  • The Jungle Book
    A review of the action film 'The Jungle Book', praising the acting, story, and special effects.
    Eye Icon 572
    Star Icon 6
    A story about a school journalism staff and their dedication to producing high-quality publications.
    Eye Icon 440
    Star Icon 19
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