Rudolph Books

  • All about Rudolph
    Enjoy my Christmas story about Rudolph, we sometimes feel left out but know you are important. We all need each other. I hope to put this book to music soon too
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  • Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
    Rodolfo the reindeer with a bright red nose is chosen by Santa to guide his sleigh through thick fog, ensuring all children receive their gifts on time.
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  • Rudolph, the red-nosed reeindeer
    Rudolph, a reindeer with a bright red nose, is lonely until Santa chooses him to guide his sleigh through foggy weather.
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  • Naughty and Nice
    Can the separation of powers in Santa's workshop improve the quality of the Naughty and Nice List?
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  • Wilma Rudolph
    The inspiring story of Wilma Rudolph, an African American woman who overcame polio and racial discrimination to become a world-renowned runner.
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  • The Adventures of Rudolph And Friends Pt.3
    A group of kids find Santa and help him deliver presents on Christmas Eve.
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  • Wilma Rudolph
    A young girl named Wilma overcomes polio and becomes an Olympic champion, inspiring others. She is honored with a statue and people still visit her grave.
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  • Duane's Christmas
    Duane, a polar bear, prepares for Christmas with his friends C.C. and Handsome. They encounter a walrus named Toy, solve problems, and save Christmas.
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