Sickness Books

  • Little Ted's hospital stay
    Little Ted gets sick, goes to the hospital, and overcomes his fear with the help of Mummy Bear and the nurses.
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    Fluttershy's friends help her feel better while she's sick, with Rarity doing her hair, Rainbow Dash getting her a race suit, and Pinkie Pie showing her an old picture.
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  • When the Sickness is Over... We Will Go Camping!
    A family plans a fun-filled camping trip once the sickness is over.
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  • Princess Ladybug and Rudy
    This story illustrates very sweetly what happens when you choose NOT to listen to Mommy and Daddy - Even when you are a Princess. Written by a precocious four year-old Princ…
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  • The Easter Bunny
    The Easter Bunny turns over to Mrs Bunny for help. will anybody notice?
  • My Plans for Winter Break!
    A child describes their winter break activities, including being sick, learning about their religion, planning a Christmas party, and preparing for a wedding.
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  • SICK
    Peggy Ann pretends to be sick to avoid school, but realizes it's Saturday and happily goes out to play.
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  • The sickness
    A doctor and nurse have a teenage ninja son who is unaware they are his parents. They face a war, use traps, and have a secret bunker. The leader ninja decides to pass on his…
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