Sioux Indians Books

  • How the Wolf Became Brave
    Ohcumgache, a fearful wolf, becomes brave after saving a coyote from a bear. He shares his story with his pack, inspiring them to be brave too.
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  • Timpsina
    Hanna encounters a group of Sioux Indians and learns about their culture and the significance of the prairie turnip.
  • Trail Of Tears
    A grandmother tells her granddaughter about the Trail of Tears and its impact on their tribe, emphasizing resilience and pride.
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  • ABC's of American Indians of North Dakota
    An alphabetical guide to American Indian culture, history, and traditions in North Dakota.
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  • Back to the Future, Again?
    Marty McFly uses a time machine to observe Lewis and Clark's expedition. He learns about their journey, encounters with Native American tribes, and the challenges they faced.
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  • Missouri
    An overview of Missouri's history, geography, climate, famous people, and economy.
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  • American Indians of North Dakota A-Z
    An alphabetical guide to the history, culture, and people of North Dakota, focusing on Native American tribes and their contributions.
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  • ABC's of Native Americans
    An alphabetical guide to various aspects of Native American culture, including history, traditions, and tribes.
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