Study Routine Books

  • My dreams and my daily life
    The author shares their dreams, daily life, and future aspirations in this autobiography. They discuss their ambition to become a lawyer, their study routine, hobbies, and pe…
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  • Peter's Daily Routines
    Peter, an 8-year-old boy, shares his daily routine from waking up to going to bed.
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  • Sophie's Winter Adventure
    Sophie, a young girl who loves ice-skating, wakes up one day to find winter has disappeared and her skates are missing. Guided by a talking cat named Sunny, she embarks on an…
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  • The Lazy Boy's Lesson
    Thank you to all the readers. I appreciate your time reading "The Lazy Boy's Lesson". Please leave your comments or feedbacks. Have a good one!
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    A day in the life of Dianelys Palacio, from waking up to going to bed.
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  • Super Sam's Busy Week
    A story dedicated to young readers. Learners can learn the days of the week, routines and action words.
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  • Study Skills
    Melinda Tyler
    University of West Alabama
    CO 653: Strategic Planning for Counseling Intervention
    Dr. Hollingsworth

    Fall 2021
  • My Routine
    A child describes their daily routine on weekdays and weekends, including school, meals, leisure activities, and chores.
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