Uncle Books

  • Back Up Duck!
    A duck realizes how much life is clearer (and safer) after he gets glasses from the eye doctor.
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  • Thanksgiving With My Family
    Many of the holidays throughout the year bring out the very best in each and every one of us. For one day love can be so powerful that we smile until we all meet again. Smile
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  • My Uncle Thomas Scott Buser
    Follow the adventures of Uncle Scott, a boy with a strong heart and a love for sports, nature, music, and life. Learn from his experiences and be inspired to live life to the…
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  • Diary Of A Minecraft Creeper
    This is a diary of Jake Creep, a creeper attending Monster School. The story follows his daily life, interactions with classmates, and adventures in the Minecraft world. Trag…
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  • Diary of a Minecraft Enderman
    This book is about what it is like to be an Enderman. Read this book to see what Carl the enderman does in his adventure who knows what will happen?
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    He runs with animals in the forest, pilots an airplane, and rides a wild horse. This extraordinary little boy does not know that he is growing up to be a superhero.
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  • An Adventure of Wounaan Children and Many Birds
    The story is about Wounaan children, Chibau and K'õsi, who learn about their culture, traditions, and the importance of nature through various experiences. They interact with…
  • My Reading Family
    Charlotte, a hearing-impaired girl from a reading family, shares her love for books and how they have shaped her life.
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