Venice Books

  • The Merchant of Venice
    Bassiano wants to buy a ring for his mom but has no money. His friend Antonio lends him $100, and Bassiano buys a ring. Later, Antonio doesn't get paid, so Bassiano gives him…
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  • The Merchant of Venice for Children
    A children’s book version of Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice.
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  • Venice
    A poetic description of the beauty and history of Venice, capturing its allure and timeless charm.
  • Skyler & Tyler's Big Adventure
    This is story that follow the lives and experiences of a twin boys named Skyler and Tyler. Though twins, they could not be more different. Throughout the book some similariti…
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  • The Merchant of Venice
    Antonio is stressed and his friends try to figure out why. Bassanio falls in love with Portia. Shylock lends money to Bassanio, but Antonio must give a pound of flesh if he c…
  • all about Italy
    An informational text about Italy, including its famous food, landmarks, and cities like Rome and Venice.
  • The Merchant of Venice
    'The Merchant of Venice' by William Shakespeare is a captivating play that explores themes of love, friendship, justice, and the consequences of prejudice. Set in Venice duri…
    An introduction to Venice, Italy, including its islands, canals, landmarks, and history. A comparison is made with Ghaziabad, India.
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