My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • An onion tries to impress and make vegetables laugh but only makes them cry. With advice from a carrot, he finally puts a smile on their faces.
    by Halima Shuaibu
    Eye Icon 14
  • And with that, we leave our brave adventurers contemplating the guardian's riddle. Will they solve it and continue their quest for the lost amulet?
    by Halima Shuaibu
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  • The story of Prophet Yunus (as) who was chosen by Allah to guide his people, but they didn't listen. He faced challenges and learned important lessons.
    by Halima Shuaibu
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  • My new book dedicated to sisters
    by Halima Shuaibu
  • And so, in the village near the enchanted forest, the tale of Emma and Gobble was shared with joy, reminding everyone that sometimes, all it takes is a little understanding and kindness to find the most precious of friendships.
    by Halima Shuaibu
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  • This is our newest book Called "The lost treasure of hidden cove" Shout out to Afrah for helping"
    by Halima Shuaibu
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  • This is our latest and hottest book collabed by me and Amara I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
    by Halima Shuaibu
    Eye Icon 23
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