There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it is common among men.
Ecclesiates 6:1
For Rollie with all my heart.

Today is the big day! He He He!

This is Harry. He is a criminal. He's not that smart or successful. But he keeps trying and that's what makes him dumb. His plan today is to pick up his side kick buddy dumb criminal #2, Gary and rob the town bank.

Where is Gary?? He's never on time! One of these days I'm going to replace that bubble head!

Late again! And what did I say about food in the car!?
You know I can't think without my mocha latte and blueberry muffin.
Oh shut up and get in the car before someone notices us!

Ok, remember, I do all the talking and you just point the pistol.
Ok! Got it!
Town Bank..

Minutes later... bbrring! The bank alarm goes off...
We did it!! Go! Go! Go!

Pull over now!!!
Gary! Step on it!! Gimme your pistol!

Um there's something I forgot to mention about the pistol Harry...
Sirens blaring as the chase begins...

A bubble blower??!! This is not happening to me..
See, what had happen was...

Needless to say, the criminals did not pull over and led the cops on a crazy chase into the country...not a smart thing to do. Finally they lost them.
Pull over now!! Pull over now!!

Night time approached. Soon the criminals would run out of gas and run out of options.

What now? We are almost out of gas!
Pull into that driveway! I see a house!

It looks abandoned..

Fortunately for the criminals the door was open and nobody seemed to be home.

Is that a doggie? I like doggies. Here doggie here doggie.
Ugh! Shut up! And get in the house!

This place gives me the creeps. Did you notice the cemetery out back?
Yeah I did. I hate cemeteries. Let's count the money.

What the heck was that??

Scratch...scratch...thump thump..

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There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it is common among men.
Ecclesiates 6:1
For Rollie with all my heart.

Today is the big day! He He He!

This is Harry. He is a criminal. He's not that smart or successful. But he keeps trying and that's what makes him dumb. His plan today is to pick up his side kick buddy dumb criminal #2, Gary and rob the town bank.

Where is Gary?? He's never on time! One of these days I'm going to replace that bubble head!
- END >
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