Cambree is 4 years old and goes to preschool. She is learning so much at school! She is busy at school and her favorite time of day is circle time.

During Circle time, Cambree's teacher uses this opportunity to help children meet important milestones. Her teacher reads books, sings silly songs, counts, talk about colors, talk about time, the day of the week, the weather, the children's first and last name and many other things.

When Cambree's teacher reads a book to the children, she always ask open ended questions. She ask the children what do you think will happen next in the story? Cambree eagerly answers! Her teacher also ask if anyone remembers the story. Cambree raises her hand and tells her teacher what she remembers.

During circle time, Cambree's teacher goes around the circle and ask each child their first and last name. Cambree proudly answers! Cambree's teacher then asked Cambree how many fingers do you have and Cambree correctly counted to 10!

During circle time, Cambree's teacher goes over the routine for the day. Cambree can tell her teacher all about her day. She knows that when she arrives she plays with friends, then eats breakfast, then circle time, then centers, then outside time, then lunch, then nap, and then mommy comes to pick her up! She is learning the concept of time.

Singing is Cambree's favorite part of circle time. She has memorized her favorite poem, "The Itsy Bitsy Spider."

Cambree enjoys when her teacher lets her share a story to her class during circle time. She knows the basic rules of grammar. She enjoys telling stories about her mom and dad and she correctly uses "he" when talking about her dad, and correctly uses "she" when talking about her mom.

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Cambree is 4 years old and goes to preschool. She is learning so much at school! She is busy at school and her favorite time of day is circle time.

During Circle time, Cambree's teacher uses this opportunity to help children meet important milestones. Her teacher reads books, sings silly songs, counts, talk about colors, talk about time, the day of the week, the weather, the children's first and last name and many other things.

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