Learning Books

  • Learning About Autism Through Kids
    This short story is about a little boy befriending a classmate with Autism. This books encourages kindness, acceptance and awareness.
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  • Charlie, The Cicada
    Dorothy and her husband lived aboard their boat in the Mediterranean Sea. Although living “The Dream,” they missed their granddaughter, Emma. After hearing the constant hiss …
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  • The Big Bake Off
    When Mayor Cherry is in need of a birthday cake, two bakers have to battle it out for the title of Best Baker in Fruity Ville and the honor of baking the mayor's birthday tre…
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  • Learning My Colors
    A colorful book that teaches children about different colors through examples of objects and animals.
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  • The Lord's Feasts: for kids Spring Feasts
    The story is a collection of three tales about children learning the significance of religious traditions: Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits. Each story e…
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  • Winkle did a wee
    A cute little puppy with toilet training issues. Not at all loosely based on a puppy I might know
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  • The Poems of Nature Volume 1
    A poem book with poems about nature stating true facts in fun rhymes. You'll be learning and not even you won't even know it! I also have a volume 2 that I hope you will read…
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  • The Five Senses
    A young child describes how they use their five senses to experience and understand the world around them.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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