Lights, camera, action!
Aaaah! Zombie!

Jones, don't interrupt Lico's audition.

What is going on?

Annual day is coming soon, and students are auditioning for the annual day skit.

Audition for what?

Are you good at acting?

I wanna audition.

Wait. So you didn't actually drink any alcohol?

Yes I am! My friends and I pretended to be drunk two years ago!


Of course not, stupid! Alcohol is harmful to children! I can't believe you fell for my prank!


So, do I get to audition?

Apply the lipstick faster! I'm getting late for my audition.

Jones is making an animal do her work. She is very lazy.

Aaah! Black cat! Black cats bring bad luck!

Be nice, Jones. Her name is Sigma and she is my niece.

Jones! Hurry up! Everyone is waiting for you!
Axel! Hurry up! Everyone is waiting for me!

You don't need lipstick for an audition.
And you don't need to hold a handbag in your right hand all the time.

You're coming with me!

Ow! Stop pulling my hair!

Why are you late?

That's none of your business. Now give me the script.

Here you go.

So, which role am I auditioning for?

Kerri, the main character of the Zombies of Rehoboth Beach novel.

I get to play the role of the main character?!

Yes, but only because you and Kerri both have blonde hair and blue eyes.

This is exciting! I am the star of the skit! Millions of people will come to get my autograph!

Only 50 people are coming to watch the skit.

Ugh! No fair!

Now let's start the audition. Lights, camera, action!

I have an idea! We could use puke signals to call for help!

You're saying it wrong. It's smoke signals, not puke signals.

I'm the star here, stupid! What I say goes!

Well, if you don't co-operate, you will no longer be the star. How about that?

Fine! I'll obey you, I guess.

Maleficent crowpoop!

I told you not to call me that a long time ago.

Where's Jones?

She is auditioning for some stupid Annual Day skit.

The Annual Day skit is not stupid!
Whatever you say, munchkin.

What is Cruella doing here? She's not a student of this school!
That is none of your business, Peter. Now run away and play with your toys.

Look at this!
Joanna's magical candyfloss! How did you manage to steal it?

I took it from her suitcase when no one was looking.
That is very smart of you.

Is that candyfloss! Yum! I want to eat it!

No! Don't eat it! This is Joanna's magical candyfloss!

Joanna has magical candyfloss?!

Yes, stupid! She got them in 2019.

How does this thing work?


Thoo! There is a leaf in my mouth!


Ok, now say the next line.
Zombies don't scare me! My parents have faced worse monsters!

Not gonna lie, you are good at acting.
Good at acting?! I am the greatest thespian in the world! Now bow to me!

There is no way I am bowing to you. Now go take five.

It's been a long time since I used my candyfloss collection...

Joanna Judes's dorm

Where is the earth candyfloss?
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Lights, camera, action!
Aaaah! Zombie!

Jones, don't interrupt Lico's audition.

What is going on?

Annual day is coming soon, and students are auditioning for the annual day skit.

Audition for what?
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