This book is dedicated to my father. He is so loving, and kind.
This book is also dedicated to my step mother who is so smart, and kind as well.

Ages only 10+
reasons some mild violence and deep topics.
Five tales turn into one story. One story can become a legend. All legends become history and are never forgotten. Five hero’s with many obstacles. Obstacles with many names. All end in different ways. To find out what happens next to learn how to reach the stars. The hero’s they will guide you to find the calling of the moon.
Book Three The long voyage
Chapter one the orphanage
Freya always knew that there must be more to the world than the orphanage there must be a sky there must be stars and there must be animals but all Freya could see was the tiny crack in her boarded up window and the only parent she knew was the headmistress of the orphanage Odricalie
Freya also knew math and science and how to read but she only knew how to do that because of Vivian she had a home once but then there was a big storm that separated them so she was the only person who really knew how to do proper learning skills but Freya's best friend was Angelica when Freya was little Angelica was always there for her she always stuck up for Freya even when it got hard.
The only thing Freya could remember of her parent's was that she had never met them before. Freya was fourteen years old now and she thought that she was old enough to leave the orphanage but then again no one ever left the orphanage till they got adopted and here no one ever got adopted because Mrs. Odricalie would always say that the all the children were adopted already she would always lie about that.
If Freya could wish for anything in the whole world she would wish to run. She would wish to run away from it all from the orphanage form the creaky beds but one thing that she could never ever leave behind was Angelica so Freya had been planning their escape together for months she just had to get Angelica on board then they would be off to find their own way in the world.
For dinner that night they had green beans and pasta but the pasta was mushy and the green beans didn't look so green anymore they were more of a brownish black color the only nice adult in the whole orphanage would be Mrs. Caroline she always brought yummy food and tought all the kids school subjects Freya slept upstairs in the third floor in every floor there were twenty kids all cramped together in messy rows of beds.
One thing Freya never thought about was Kiki she had short blond hair and her bangs covered one of her eyes she had a cheerful personality and she had a short temper one day Mrs. Caroline decided that Kiki had been in the orphanage long enough so she was going to sneak Kiki out window in the attic but as Kiki left a week later they had news that Kiki had been put in jail for stealing bread and they were going to send her back to the orphanage.
Then when Kiki got back Mrs. Odricalie saw Kiki she threw her out and sent her to the police for leaving and stealing so no one ever tried to leave again and Mrs. Odricalie was crueler then ever after that day Freya had once met Kiki she was so nice and sweet to Freya Mrs. Caroline never tried to help anyone leave after that either but Freya had a plan and it could not fail if it did it was over for her and Angelica.
There was only one thing that made Freya hesitated from leaving something that made even Mrs. Odricalie terrified.
Chapter Two The War
When Freya thought of the war it sent a shiver down her back a shiver of fear it was 1918 currently and war had spread from every corner of earth when the prince of Austria was assassinated by people from Hungry no one had been safe for a long time after that so Freya had to be careful when her and Angelica escaped.
Freya had $115 already and she was hoping Angelica had the rest of the money they needed in total they needed $214 and they were hoping to get the nearest boat ride out of there Freya was hoping to run away somewhere where the war might not have reached yet Freya had packed five cans of green beans two cans of mushy potatoes and ten cans of somewhat cooked chicken.
Freya had also mapped out most of the orphanage the only way out or in other than the door was the sky light in the attic Freya had decided to go on the day Mrs. Odricalie would take off and then as soon as Freya and Angelica knew everyone was asleap they would make their great escape and as Freya lay on her old tattered creaky bed she wondered what the world would be like outside this place.
When Freya woke up the next morning she rushed to check the calendar the day Mrs. Odricalie left would be the 1st of November so just one day away Freya was so excited she couldn't contain herself and she looked as bright as a candle all morning then she realized she hadn't asked Angelica yet so she she sprinted over to Angelica but three other girls were with her and they said Freya how do we break this to you well it's just your not lady like and Angelica has decided to stick with us as her new friends.
Wait what asked Freya you mean your not going to hang out with me any more Angelica? Sorry Freya it's just your so wild and no one will adopt you so I have to do what's best for me and if that means getting some new different friends then I guess so be it Freya felt like her heart had been stabbed but she wasn't about to give up she went to her room her and Angelica slept right next to each other so in the middle of the night Freya would ask Angelica to come.
Mrs. Caroline must have been able to tell that Freya was excited because right after lunch was over she came over and asked Freya what are you planning Freya said I can't stay here any longer I should have left this place by now so I have to run away I've packed everything needed and I have a plan where to go I just have to get my best friend to come with me Mrs. Caroline.
Mrs. Caroline smiled kindly and said Freya I know your a smart amazing young lady but I can't let you leave if you do then you'll get thrown onto the street if you ever come back so I can't let that happen to you Freya stood up determined and said I have to get away from here I have food I have supplies and I have savings so I have to leave so what the world might be like and even if you do try to stop me you don't know when or how I'll be leaving.
Mrs. Caroline's smile turned into a concerned frown and then she thought a moment and she said if you are sure then you need to take a boat to the farthest place from here possible you need to go to Sweden their not in the war and their so far away no one here will ever look for you in Sweden Freya grinned and hugged Mrs. Caroline then Freya said thank you Mrs. Caroline I will never forget you!
Then Freya ran into her bed and fell but immediately go back up and waited for Angelica to come in when it hit 8:00 Pm Angelica walked in and when Freya was sure it was just her and Angelica she said Angelica come here I have a plan to run away escape from this place come with me no one here is leaving unless we try to escape Angelica backed away and said I'm leaving with Tiffany and Cole though we already made a plan to escape sorry Frey I can't come.
Freya started to shout what do you mean you can't come I could come with you but those girls are so mean and rude and your starting to be just like them mean and rude too I was your best friend why did you leave me in the dust Angelica grew quite but whispered at least I have friends who are actually respected Freya stared at Angelica and then Angelica said even quieter if you think that I'm your friend now your wrong then Freya finally said your the only friend here I've ever had and you just lost that. Angelica's eyes filled with anger and she said your just mean!
Freya finally said your the one who's starting to become different. but my offer still stands and you can still get away from those awful girls. No Freya said Angelica I've found real friends good bye.
Chapter three escape
Freya didn't dare to think of Angelica she closed her eyes and fell asleep not wanting to see Angelica again when Freya awoke it was almost time for her to leave Mrs. Odricalie was gone that day and Freya had a perfect unfailing plan so without another word she set off on her plan.
When she got to the attic Angelica and the other girls were there once they saw Freya they immediately tried to push Freya out of the attic but Freya fought against them and accidentally knocked them to the ground they screamed at Freya but Freya blocked them out of her mind with one final look at Angelica she opened the window and jumped down down down.
Freya felt the leg that she landed on give out and she was sure she'd broken her leg she decided to not worry and limp the rest of the way till she got to the nearest boat station just as she was about to leave the orphanage she felt someone grab her arm tightly she looked behind her and saw Angelica she said Freya you understand that what you have to my friends is unforgivable.
Freya looked at Angelica and said your not my friend any more and you never will be leave me alone you started this and those girls are mean now let go of me! Angelica didn't let go she might as well have tightened her grip Angelica said no your staying here I wont let you leave after what you did after what I did how about what your friends and what you did!
Freya said let go Angelica but Angelica did not let go and then Freya had no other option she pushed Angelica away from her and ran for it she heard Angelica right behind her hot on her heels so Freya took a sharp turn and winced in pain becuase of her hurt leg she heard Angelica retreat far from view so then Freya finally came out.
Freya walked along way till she made it to the boat and she saw a glorious gleaming boat it was silver and white and shining Freya stepped forward to examine it closer when the boat captain said lassy are you on the next ride to Sweeden Freya said oh um yes should I pay right now or later the boat captain said what if you didn't pay at all Freya stared confused at the captain and asked what do you mean?
The boat captain smiled and said if you were to work on the boat till we got to Sweden maybe you wouldn't have to pay Freya gasped and said that would be amazing sir the boat captain said call me Weylin Freya said ok then you can call me Freya Weylin laughed a hardy laugh and said come with me Freya I want you to meet someone.
Freya walked to the down stairs part of the boat and saw the cutest creature that she had ever seen.
Chapter four the dog
Freya looked at the cute pup up and down and suddenly announced this is a corgi yes it is indeed said the captain and we've been having trouble with him lately he had a illness but we can't get him to take this pill go and meet him maybe you can figure out how to give this pill to him.
Freya stepped up to the excited pup and patted his head she said hey little guy are you okay the captain says your not feeling too hot maybe if you toke your medicine you'd feel better Freya looked at the dog and she saw him staring at her Freya thought he might start talking at any second.
But the pup just sat there wagging his tail back and fourth Freya said do you have any pill pockets the captain shook his head and said any other ideas Freya thought a moment and said do you have any canned cat food the captain said yes I do but why in the world would you use that for a dog.
Freya smiled and said if you hide the pill in the food while he's eating hopefully he'll gobble up the pill right away the captain laughed and said I guess we'll try it as the captain was setting down the food bowl Freya noticed picture had fallen to the ground and was lying there Freya picked it up and examined it.
Is this you and your wife sir Freya asked the captain looked at the picture she was holding and said oh yes it is me and my wife a few years after we were married she died of illness I'm so sorry sir Freya said the captain wiped a tear away and said it's alright it wasn't your fault and it never was now you go up to the deck we have work to do.
Oh Freya look you've made a friend the dog sat in front of Freya and licked her hand what's this cuties name the captain said oh this here's jack he's a friendly fellow but sometimes just full of energy anyways thank you for helpin the lad take his pill now he should start feeling much better now see wheel up there I'll teach you how to use it.
Freya looked up and saw a small little wheel up all those stairs she wondered if the captain ever wanted a daughter then the captain said come on then lassy up you go Freya was unfortunetly horribly afraid of heights she trembled and mumbled something that sounded like mhmbbl the captain said lassy is something wrong Freya tried again but all that came out was me afrad o hights
The captain bent down and firmly said speak clearly so I understand what's going on okay Freya took a deep breath and said I'm really scared of heights o well said the captain only way to lose your fears is to face them then he pushed Freya all the way up the stairs and he said alright now stay calm it's not too bad up here is it?
Freya took a few steps back as she looked how high up she was the captain took Freya's hand and said turn the wheel right im right here with you so don't freak out Freya took a few short breaths and then said okay she slowly turn the ship right Freya felt the ship turn quickly and she fumbled then fell to the ground oh man sorry sir freya said.
Aw it's alright he said I just thought maybe you could do it he sadly started to walk away when he accidentally kicked the wheel so hard the boat spun out of control Freya grabbed the wheel and sharply turned right the boat stopped for a moment and then zoomed out of the way before hitting a rock it still was out of control but it was out of harms way now.
Chapter five training
Freya walked down to the deck and asked why are we here? The captain chuckled and said I’ll show you all your work stations how here you see is food and supplies you have sort and get rid of everything here now above the deck you have to clean the floors and try to steer the wheel Freya cut in and said but you saw what happened last time!
Yes I did said the captain I saw you save the boat from the giant rock and you steered somewhere to stop at. Freya paused and thought about what the captain had said then the captain continued talking upstairs in your living corners you will deliver food water supplies and medicine alright you ready asked the captain.
Freya looked at the captain and thought I’m gonna need a list, but what Freya said was yep all good. The captain suspiciously looked at Freya then whispered one more thing there’s another room under here try and find it after all your work is done you job start’s at six a.m and ends at six P.m I’ll let you start to train today and get settled with all the equipment
Where should I start asked Freya well you should start down here since your already here start sorting goods and get to know all the create’s and bins Freya walked toward all the equipment and saw that everything had rust on it she realized that the captain wanted her to clean and scape the rust off so she got the work she took out a sharpened rock and started to scrape all the rust off.
It took Freya about three hours just to scrape the rust of it felt like making a fire that wouldn’t like little sparks would come off every time the rock hit the rust and dirt eventually came off so Freya then had to sweep all the dirt off and finally she cleaned them with sticky soap on warm clean water when Freya finished cleaning the captain said that was decent you’ll get better as you go don’t worry.
Upstairs you can sweep and mop up the floor I know it seems boring and dull but if you try to see harder you’ll find that everything has its secrets okay Freya said she walked up the the surface of the boat and started sweeping the dust and grime away when Freya sweeper as much as she thought needed she looked down and saw a note tapped to the floor it said that the floor seemed to dull and it needed to be painted.
Freya saw a can of paint near the upstairs and Freya squealed with excitement and picked up the paint she swirled and twisted the paint on her paintbrush closing her eyes not know what she was even making when she stopped swirling she saw a flower of colors blue purple orange black all the colors merging into the shape of the waves rainbow waves.
The captain came up and smiled he was smoking a cigar and chuckled he looked at the art and said that’s some mighty fine art there ma’am Freya smiled back and said thank you sir. The captain said I feel like I should be takin you up for a job on painting. That would be nice Freya replied well anyways said the captain I’ll get you to your room now okay said Freya and also sir if you don’t mind what’s your name?
Names bill now go off to your sleeping corner.
Chapter six first day of work
Freya got up bright and early she was so excited for her first day of work she imagined it being the most fun she'd ever have as soon as she woke up she ran for the captains room but when she got inside she saw the captain sleeping soundly so she quietly shut the door behind her she remembered the captain saying that there would be some notes on what to do first.
When Freya looked at her note pad she cracked her knuckles and said this will be a breeze but unfortunately for Freya it was not a breeze she looked at all the supplies she had cleaned the other day and started sorting it but she couldn't tell the difference between the medicine and protective weapons she imagined her self accidentally eating one of the weapons for the medicine instead because the medicine looked almost one hundred years old.
Freya sorted this and sorted that she felt she was going so fast that soon her hands would be num from the rush when she finished sorting every thing she put a check mark on her list and saw the next thing to do was deliver the supplies she picked up the heavy bags of supplies and heaved them up the stairs she almost dropped the bags a few times because she hand't done much weight lifting in well ever.
Freya knocked on the door of her first delivery a man with a gray beard and a blue jacket said hello are ye be bringing a fight to my door Freya set down the bags and hesitated then said no... I'm being a delivery lady today you needed a flashlight a bottle of pills and some pepper spray.... ye I did give it here now he said Freya felt angry toward the old man he smelled of cigars and was unpleasant to talk with but Freya still remained polite.
Well here you go sir Freya noticed that most of her delivery's had to be without knocking on doors because it would lead to anger so once Freya's delivery's were complete she checked off her list and continued down the steps next she was supposed to mop and sweep the floors and she was also allowed to paint on the floors what ever she wanted so as soon as Freya heard painting was involved she got to work!
Freya pushed hard against the floor with her mop she pushed and pushed and pushed she kept going till the floor was sparkling clean it shown like a diamond then Freya got to what she really wanted to do she got out huge buckets of paint and got to work she felt like painting something of the ocean she painted with the colors of purple and teal with splash's of green as a highlight she saw rainbows and colors that she thought no one else could see.
When she finished she saw infornt of her a big beautiful heart but it looked like it was made out of water she loved painting these types of pictures with the water she always liked to paint these but when she was at the orphanage all the paint's were dried up so normally Freya would just sketch what she wanted to paint although now she could paint everything and anything she wanted!
Freya checked off the cleaning and painting on her list the last thing she had to do was steer the ship in the east direction Freya had never used a map before she didn't know how to read a map she didn't know how to steer a ship east espacilly but Freya had to try or else she could get in troubble with the captain so she climbed up all the stairs she remembered one thing Mrs. Caroline had tought her about maps never eat soggy waffles.
Freya looked at the map the captain had given her and she thoguht well I suppose seince easet is eat it would be to the right because they were facing north so she spun the ship east as soon as the ship started going east Freya fell to the ground with a thump Freya felt dizzy and nauseous she tried to stand up again but couldn't so she decided to crawl all the way back to the supplies room supposedly there was some medication for sea sickness down there.
As Freya crawled she heard a loud bump she saw that they had hit the dock and she knew they had to anchor before the boat crashed so she gained enough strength to stand up an throw the anchor down it went down down down she heard it hit the bottom so she tied the boat to the dock and then bump again she hit the ground so hard she thought she might pass out bur she eventually made it to the bottom of the deck sure enough there was sea sickness medication.
She took a few pills and then sat down just as she was closing her eyes she saw a lever she couldn't resit puling it so she closed her eyes and thwack the lever was trigger
Chapter seven the secret room
Click...... Click...... A wall fell down from the side of the room and before Freya could scream she looked inside and wondered what this place was Freya was sure she'd get in horrible trouble for going into a secret room and breaking part of the ship but until that happened she decided to have a look around she saw old tapestries and lot's of maps and papers but the one thing that did catch her eye was something in a suitcase.
It was a golden suitcase with a lock on it she carefully rattled the handle and heard something knocking inside she tried to open it but the suit case had three locks on it Freya wondered what could so important in this so she put it under her bed and came down to see if anyone had woken up since no had Freya pushed the wooden wall that had fallen down back up finally the captain came down and greeted Freya with a huge smile and laugh then he asked her if she had done all her work of course Freya said yes so he handed her another sheet of work to do....
Freya asked what the work was for and the captain said that they had just come to town in a far off town that not most people visited anymore but that there should be some good trading in there he also said that if Freya had found anything unusual to look in the village for perhaps a key Freya stared hard at the captain but he just laughed and said anyways let's get somethin to eat.
For breakfast they got buscit's jam and honey before Freya knew what to do she was sent off to get goods and maybe a key to one of the locks so she headed straight off to town the captain had lent Freya three bags of cash to trade for valuable items like medicine and food the first trader Freya saw was a place selling fish turkey and ham when she went up to him he told her to go away but Freya was determined and she also saw something shiny and gold that looked much like a key.
Freya offered him one bag of coins he looked at it and said what do you want kid Freya politly smiled and said I would like five salmon and is there a way I could get that key off you the trader said if you can bring me a dragon to have as a pet I'll give you this key and the salmon for free Freya stared at him wide eyed but wasn't about to give up so she searched the town for a dragon.
Freya it was almost impossible to find a dragon especially here in the middle of nowhere but even so she kept walking she saw animals in chains tied up to a fence they all looked so sad Freya feared if she helped the animals what would happen to her but she feared even more what would happen to the animals if she didn't so she found a stone and ripped the chains off go on now Freya said skedaddle.
Freya saw a lovely young lady sitting on a bench Freya thought if anyone would know where to find a dragon it would be her so Freya went up and asked if she'd seen any dragons lately she looked at Freya with a look of are you mad then said did you hit your head on a rock child Freya rolled her eyes and said never mind but then Freya saw a little girl almost the same age as herself maybe two or three years younger but the girl came up and tugged on Freya's shoulder.
The little girl said there are dragon fight's in those arenas over there I've always wanted save the poor creatures but I could never aford to go to one Freya felt awful for the little girl it looked like she didn't have any parent's and no money so Freya handed her a bag of coins and said why don't you get some nice food and come with me to save some dragons the girl sprang up with excitement.
When Freya and the girl walked in the arena a woman with blond hair and blue eyes said no entry without cash Freya handed her the last of the coins she had and the woman let them in they saw giant dragons flying and swooping Freya thought they were beautiful the girl said my names Cora what's your name my names Freya said Freya Cora then said don't get tricked by their beautiful looks their not happy and something bad will happen soon.
Freya watched the dragons with amazement but then with horror.
Chapter eight The dragon saving
Freya saw the dragons swoop down and land then she saw them fight they roared fire and ash everywhere they tried to scratch at each other Freya asked Cora when the fight was supposed to end she said till one dragons dead okay said Freya wait here Cora grabbed Freya's arm and said don't they could kill you Freya said but they could also kill each other and with that she jumped the fence.
Freya saw the dragons flying above she needed to get their attention she yelled over here but they didn't look so Freya had one other option she jumped onto the fence and when a dragon got close she jumped on it's back then she steered the dragons out of the arena and into a grassy part of the land Cora was hot on her heels behind her she caught her breath and said feed them this it should calm them down Freya took the fruit and feed them it the dragons stopped shooting fire everywhere but they were still tense and they had lot's of scratches one of the dragons fell to the ground Freya told Cora to get the other dragons and she would handle this one.
Freya took out her firs aid kit she had packed it nearly all of her casts and band aids to fix up one of the hurt parts but the rest of the scratches were small she took out all the pain medicine she had and feed it to the dragon she told Cora to fetch a giant sled and help her pull it they finally got back to the man who had told her to get a dragon.
The man looked the dragons up and down and pointed to the one who had passed out then he said I said bring dragons not a dead dragon please sir he's alive just very injured we tried to help him but we don't have the right supplies or anything the man looked at the dragon again and said fine but you have to get the supplies and fix the dragon yourselves fine said Freya where can we find this supplies?
Freya and Cora walked to the place where the man said the supplies were and then said do you see a door Cora Cora shook her head and pointed all the way to the top and said there's an elevator we can take Cora took Freya to the elevator and said push the top button there were one hundred floors in total Freya had never ever seen more floors but she pushed level one hundred and up they went.
It was a long slow process because the elevator took so long it took about fifteen minutes to get up and when they did Freya wished they hadn't she saw a minitour guarding everything Freya told Cora to stay put and that she was going to sneak in and grab the stuff Freya felt herself sweating she tried to make no sound whatever she thought that she could hear herself breathing she heard it so loud.
Just as Freya was about to grab the supplies creeek one of the wooden board creaked so loud the minitour noticed Freya threw Cora the bag and whispered for her to get out of here Cora did what Freya told her to do but now Freya was in huge trouble the minitour said what are you doing here Freya tried one of the most ridiculous things that would never work ever she said well I was looking for the bathroom sir.
The minitour looked at Freya and said I think not he came closer and closer and closer to her Freya saw an open window and a minitour either way she would probably get killed but it was worth a shot so she got up ran and jumped she was falling so far down she didn't think she would make it but poof Freya landed in a soft pile of hey Freya saw Cora there Cora said your welcome now let's move!
Once they got back to the injured dragon Freya gave him the proper medicine and rapped up his broken leg the man said well done laddies but next time you could just asked for help he took down his robes and there Freya saw the captain sir Freya why did you take us on that chase can we have the keys? The captain smiled and handed Freya one key he said I know you have the suitcase but I sent you to save the dragons because I knew you'd be able to save all of them.
Thank you sir this is my friend Cora can she come with us the captain said why not.
Chapter nine the dream
Freya and her new friend Cora went back on the boat as soon as Freya got back on the boat she ran up to the captain and asked so how do me and Cora get the next two keys the captain sat down and said well if I was unlocking something I would unlock the first lock and go from there Freya said where will Cora sleep the captain said why can't she just stay in your room with you?
Cora asked Freya why they needed keys in the first place Freya hesitated to tell Cora but she took Cora up to her room and pulled out the suitcase from her bed and said there are three locks on this and there is something really important inside this so we need to unlock this I got one key from the captain he told me to unlock the first lock and go from there Cora said then lest's do it Freya!
Freya inserted the key into the lock and it clicked a piece of paper shot out when the key unlocked the lock Freya picked up the paper and read the second key will come to you when you sleep go to bed under the stars in the forbidden room Cora said Freya what's the forbidden room oh right I forgot to tell you there's a secret room where I found the suit case so we should probably sleep down there tonight....
It's getting close to dark maybe we should go down now okay said Freya but it's kind of dark down there like pitch black okay said Cora so we bring a lantern and I'm also scared because I saw a... a something weird down there Cora said Freya we have to do this now come on fine said Freya slowly went down into the dingy dark monster forbidden room there appeared to be two beds that weren't there before Cora this wasn't here before...
Well then it want's us to sleep here said Cora Freya whimpered and saw it again it was a shadow that disappeared and reappeared but she tried not to focus on that and laid straight down she went under the covers and hid she immediately fell asleep but she woke up except she wasn't awake it was a dream like state Freya saw herself and Cora sleeping but Freya was mentally awake Cora was with her.
Cora said Freya are we dreaming Freya said I think so but look in front of you it looks like a parkour track.... Well then let's do it said Cora she jumped and landed on a weird looking tile Freya shouted Cora wait you don't understand but it was to late Cora fell down into a black hole okay Freya told herself you got this the only way to get across is to land on the black tiles.
Freya jumped to the black platform but it looked like it was made of ice Freya started slipping off but she sprinted across and landed on the magma platform my hands ow Freya pulled herself up and looked at her hands the were red and blistered okay okay okay Freya just think your almost there there was a giant gap between her and the next platform so she took a running start and jumped.
She narrowly missed the jump but with one hand caught the edge of the ledge she held on tightly but her hands were slipping she pushed up and used the ledge to jump up she made it to the last platform and saw a chest she opened it and grabbed the key she woke up and she was holding the second key she unlocked the lock and also made sure that Cora was fine Cora gave Freya a thumbs up!
The last clue said that arrow shooting would grant the last key in the arena of the seven sisters all the arrows would make different things happen and that they all had to land in the right spot Freya had never used a bow and arrow before and she definitely didn't know how to shoot one Cora said don't worry Freya I'll help you.
Chapter ten the arrow ring
Cora took Freya to the nearest practice ring she told Freya to use her left hand to pull back since she was left eye dominate Cora then told Freya to close her bad eye and look straight at the target and then let go Freya did so but was sadly dispirited when the arrow hit the very outside of the target Cora said it's okay Freya this takes practice.
Freya said but we don't have time to practice the ring of the seven sisters is in this town and we leave tonight what are we supposed to do Cora's eyes went wide and said what if I did it did what asked Freya shot the arrows for you Freya felt quite doubtful that this would work but said let me see you hit one arrow on this target right here Cora said trust me you won't regret this she shot the arrow right into the middle of the target.
Freya said how long have you been able to do that Cora said since I was five I've been practicing for a while wow said Freya then you can totally do this I believe in you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you Cora shouted um no problem said Freya later in the afternoon the girls went to the ring and Cora had her best bow and arrow out.
Cora had to hit ten targets the fist arrow she used was normal she had to hit a perfect shot from three yards away Freya saw Cora pull her arm back as far as it could go then Freya saw Cora aim up in the air Freya was sure the arrow would never make it to the target the way it was aimed but Cora let the arrow fly and it hit perfectly at the center the next arrow she got was a teleportation arrow her target was on a mountain she aimed at a sharp rock behind her the arrow slip into two arrows and one hit the ground near the mountain while the other landed on the mountain witch teleported Cora finally Cora hit the target with her last arrow.
The third arrow she used was a healing arrow there was an animal on the target the animal was badly injured Cora used her healing arrow and missed the shot completely or so Freya thought the arrow actually hit the healing potion splashed onto the animal then the big cat moved out of way so Cora could hit her target the fourth arrow she had was a water breathing arrow Cora pierced herself with the arrow and dived under the water to an abandoned cave that was pitch black she used her last arrow to hit the top of the cave the arrow got attracted to the target and hit.
The fifth arrow she got was a poison arrow tons of weeds and plants were covering up the target this one was easy for Cora she just used her poison arrow to cut through the vines and hit the target the sixth arrow was fire resistant Cora had to shot an arrow into a burning boat and hit the target Cora aimed at the back of the boat and the arrow bounced off the back to the top and finally went through the pirate flag hitting the target.
The seventh arrow was a flight arrow a target that was nine thousand feet in the air so Cora hit her arrow into the sky and Cora went flying with the arrow while spinning upside down she shot her arrow at the target and it hit straight into the middle the eighth arrow was an animal summoner and her target was six thousand feet under ground Cora shot her animal summoner at the ground and up came a rabbit it dug a huge hole and Cora could get a clear shot of her target then she hit the target with ease.
Her ninth arrow was shape shifter arrow the target was in a foxes mouth it was carrying it across the forest Cora shot her shape shifting arrow at the nearest tree and said fox then she turned into a small fluff ball that was orange and white to Freya she looked adorable so Cora then ran all the way through the forest and shot the arrow with her mouth while the fox was still running then the fox dropped the target and Cora hit it the final tenth arrow was a plant arrow the target was hidden in a flower once Cora shot her arrow at the ground it lit up the flower with the arrow in it and Cora shot into the flower and hit the target without damaging the plant.
The key came out and Cora grabbed it Freya ran out and hugged Cora so tightly that she almost passed out Cora handed Freya the key and said let's do this thing Freya said okay then come on it was a thirty minute walk back the boat the captain said what kept you out so long oh nothing sir Freya said but then she added just some arrow shooting.
Freya and Cora had dinner witch was mashed potatoes and and pasta afterwards Freya and Cora rushed off to their room upstairs Freya was so curious and nervous to open up the suit case she wondered what would be inside but before she had time to wonder Cora clinked in the last key and unlocked it.
The box opened.
Chapter eleven the inside
Freya opened the suit case and inside was something covered up by a piece of cloth Freya took the cloth off and inside was a crystal It looked like an ocean wave with a heart inside the waves were the color of purple and the heart was dark rainbow with specks of purple inside small diamonds surrounded the outside what is this Freya asked....
Cora picked it up and said I read about this once I was reading some magic lure and it talked about water horses having a prize treasure it showed a picture that looked just like this they said it holds the powers of the water and all the water creatures in it Freya touched it it's beautiful Freya said we need to keep it somewhere safe Cora said we could ask the captain good idea Freya replied!
The captain looked the crystal up and down and said I have a safe place for it but you'll need something he chipped of two of the tinest pieces and put a chain through them wear these he said they'll keep the magic going for you now before we put this anywhere we need to train you on how to use these how are we suppose to train exactly Cora asked were on a ship for crying out loud the captain said don't be deceived by looks Cora then he took them to the forbidden room.
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This book is dedicated to my father. He is so loving, and kind.
This book is also dedicated to my step mother who is so smart, and kind as well.

Ages only 10+
reasons some mild violence and deep topics.
Five tales turn into one story. One story can become a legend. All legends become history and are never forgotten. Five hero’s with many obstacles. Obstacles with many names. All end in different ways. To find out what happens next to learn how to reach the stars. The hero’s they will guide you to find the calling of the moon.
Book Three The long voyage
Chapter one the orphanage
Freya always knew that there must be more to the world than the orphanage there must be a sky there must be stars and there must be animals but all Freya could see was the tiny crack in her boarded up window and the only parent she knew was the headmistress of the orphanage Odricalie
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