If you haven't read my other books yet, just look up Mr. Kirtus in the storyJumper search or else you won't understand ANYTHING.

Flying into a black hole, a broken space-ship and complete chaos
Everything was complete chaos. John was yelling at the super computer to work, Mr. Kirtus was having a panic attack, Violet was trying to fix the engine with sparks flying everywhere, the alarms were blaring all while they were flying towards an ultra massive black hole with a massive jet of plasma flying out of it. Wait, how did Mr. Kirtus get here? It all started on a plain day when Mr. Kirtus was working on his apple mac pro when he decided to look on his work network. When he checked the new discovery section, he found that there was a new black hole named 1234roa-353. When he clicked on the article link, he found a long article about it. It turns out that 1234roa-353 was the first ultra massive black hole ever discovered. It had a mass of one trillion solar masses. He volunteered to research more about it. When Mr. Kirtus had called Violet about it, she said, "yeah, it seems interesting but it's been chaos over here! Violet Jr. won't stop crying and Katie is like a shark in a way that she never sleep more than half!" Violet said. "Okay, maybe we'll schedule another time." Mr. Kirtus said. "Yeah, that's the only option." Violet said. "Okay." Mr. Kirtus said.
After he hung up, he told Mrs. Katerson about that. "Yeah, we should probably do it another time unless we want to go alone, which we don't." Mrs. Katerson said. The next couple of months were a rush. Violet's house kept being toilet papered by a high school group called THE PRANKSTERS, a group that toilet papered people's houses, moving wasp hives to people's houses, egging people's houses and rip out people's gardens. Mr. Kirtus also suffered from THE PRANKSTERS, though he got egged and had his butterfly garden ripped out and all of his caterpillars taken to the preschools.
Also, Mr. Kirtus got super busy at work, he had to work extra hours and when he came home he usually had to do a lot of research. After those months had passed, Violet called and said, "Yeah, I think that we could go in the next week or two, we've been a lot less busy around here." Violet said. Mr. Kirtus also was getting a lot less busy at work. "Yeah, I'll ask Mrs. Katerson about it." Mr. Kirtus said. "I sometimes forget that Mrs. Katerson is your wife because you use her name so much!" Violet said. "That's strange, though I'll still ask her about it." Mr. Kirtus said and hung up.
Hey, we can schedule a time to go into space to study the black hole, let's try for this or next week!" Mr. Kirtus said. "Yeah, I think I can schedule for that." Mrs. Katerson said. After they scheduled, THE PRANKSTERS egged his house and ripped out all of their shrubs. Again. Later, Mr. Kirtus went to Hom Depot some fence so that there wouldn't be anymore shrub rippings from THE PRANKSTERS. The sign had a typo. After Mr. Kirtus came home, he found that THE PRANKSTERS had axed down their tree. The tree was one hundred ten years old because the first owners had planted it. After he had finally called the police on THE PRANKSTERS, Mr. Kirtus went to bed. The next morning, he had scheduled when to go into space. After he had done that, he needed to go to Cosco to get a bunch of eggs. He kept his eggs outside and THE PRANKSTERS had used the eggs to egg his house so he needed to get new ones. After he had gotten the eggs, he went onto his work website and pressed the volunteer button and after a little bit of typing it looked like this:

Newest discoveries
Write your paper
Potential life planets
Strange finds
Are you sure that you want to proceed?
Time: (Day)
Time: (Hour)

March 2

8:00 AM.



When he pressed the YES button, he had it scheduled. He told the whole gang about it, they all said that they could make it there. After that, he needed to go to bed because it was 8:00 PM. The next day, he needed to go to work. He had a huge science paper written and he needed to submit it. After he had submitted it, he decided to run some science experiments on a car to see what could make a car explode.

Two weeks later
Mr. Kirtus, Mrs. Katerson, Violet, John and the triplets (Violet Jr., Kate and Katie) were in the shuttle and were about to blast off. (From now on, I'm going to call them The Gang.) "We are going to launch in ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one zero!" Said the guy who counts down when the blast off is about to happen as they blasted off. After they launched, they went so fast that the ground shrunk away. They sped up faster and faster until they went into warp seventy-million. After just a fraction of a second, they were at the black hole. Then they saw a massive ship after they slowed down. The larger ship started pulling them in. "Oh, I thought that Mr. Colloweyney was sucked into space!" Mr. Kirtus said. "Well, apparently not!" John said.
In a jail cell, planning to escape and fool's silver
"I don't know, maybe we could boost the electricity?" Mrs. Katerson said. "How would we even boost the electricity? There isn't a switch to boost the electricity." Violet said. "Actually, there is a power-boost switch right there." Mr. Kirtus said as he pointed to a switch on the wall. Violet walked over and turned the power to the minimum, put the wire on the dead bolt lock and then turned the power up to the maximum. It worked. When the lock melted, they came out of the jail cell and went inside of the wall so that they wouldn't be seen. "Be more quiet!" Mr. Kirtus whispered to John. John kept tripping on the floor and made a lot of noise. "You're going to get us caught!" Mr. Kirtus added. (And whispered.) "Maybe you guys can stop whispering?" Violet said. They stopped whispering for a while. After a while, Mr. Kirtus found something. "Hey, look over here! That computer screen is showing the way to the escape pods!" Mr. Kirtus whispered. "Hey, we can make it there while being mostly in the walls still." Violet also whispered. "How are we going to get there!?! It's 100 miles away!" John whispered. "We take a lot of breaks and be patient?" Violet whispered.
Escaping, a bunch of walking and escape pods.
"I don't know, maybe we could boost the electricity?" Mrs. Katerson said. "How would we even boost the electricity? There isn't a switch to boost the electricity." Violet said. "Actually, there is a power-boost switch right there." Mr. Kirtus said as he pointed to a switch on the wall. Violet walked over and turned the power to the minimum, put the wire on the dead bolt lock and then turned the power up to the maximum. It worked. When the lock melted, they came out of the jail cell and went inside of the wall so that they wouldn't be seen. "Be more quiet!" Mr. Kirtus whispered to John. John kept tripping on the floor and made a lot of noise. "You're going to get us caught!" Mr. Kirtus added. (And whispered.) "Maybeyou guys can stop whispering?" Violet said. They stopped whispering for a while. After a while, Mr. Kirtus found something. "Hey, look over here! That computer screen is showing the way to the escape pods!" Mr. Kirtus whispered. "Hey, we can make it there while being mostly in the walls still." Violet also whispered. "How are we going to get there!?! It's 100 miles away!" John whispered. "We take a lot of breaks and be patient?" Violet whispered.
"You're right." John said. "Ha!" Mr. Kirtus said. "Maybe we could keep on the subject?" Mr. Kirtus said. "How long will it take again?" Violet asked. "At this rate, six days instead of ten." John said. "Could we go faster?" Violet also asked. "Yep, but that would mean no breaks." John said. "Never mind." Violet said. After a while, Mrs. Katerson said that they should take another break. "NO. NOT FOR A WHILE LONGER!" Mr. Kirtus said. "Not a reason to be sassy." Mrs. Katerson said. They walked a while longer when a moth startled John and he ended up yelping. They were extra quiet for a little bit so to make sure that no guards had heard that. No guards heard. "What are we going to do while we are walking?" Mr. Kirtus said. "I don't know, maybe just talk?" John said. "Nah." Mrs. Katerson said. "Okay, I'll just write my science book about exoplanets." Mr. Kirtus said. He used an app called
Scrivener. After a couple of days, they were at the escape pods. "We're here!" John said. "How are we going to get into the escape pods?" Mr. Kirtus asked. "I don't know, I'll just read the manual." Violet said. "What if we are seen?" Mr. Kirtus asked.
"We try not to be seen?" Mrs. Katerson said. "Where are we going to hide?" John asked. "I see a little door hatch under the control council." Violet said. That's pretty small. That might not be large enough to fit through." Mr. Kirtus said. "Let's just try." Violet said. They tried and they fit through. "Okay, now let me read the manual." Violet said. After she read the manual, she knew how to use the escape pods. "Okay, press that little hatch over there, and the door will open," Violet said, "and after that, when we're inside we press that red button to close the door and push the red button again to launch the escape pods." Violet said. After they did all of that, they were in the escape pod (it was a large one) and were about to launch when something bad happened. "Hey, why have they escaped and in the escape pods?" Bablino said. "I don't know, they must've escaped." One of the guards said. "Well, they aren't going to escape anymore!" Bablino said.
Flying into a black hole, a broken space-ship and complete chaos
And we are back to chapter one. Everything was complete chaos. John was yelling at the super computer to work, Mr. Kirtus was having a panic attack, Violet was trying to fix the engine with sparks flying everywhere, the alarms were blaring all while they were flying towards an ultra massive black hole with a massive jet of plasma flying out of it. "How the ____ are we going to get out of this!?!" Mr. Kirtus said. "Hey, there are babies on board!" John said. "Ha, ha I'm a baby." Mr. Kirtus said. "No, there are actual babies on the ship! Don't use that kind of language!" John said. "Hey, we're trying to fix the ship before we go flying into a black hole!" Violet said when something exploded in Mr. Kirtus's face. "Ow! That hurt my face!'' Mr. Kirtus said. "Oh, it wasn't that bad you big baby!" John said. "Now you're calling me a big baby!" Mr. Kirtus said. "Yup!" John said. "Let's keep on topic of saving all of our lives here!" Violet said. "How are we even going to get out of here!" Mr. Kirtus said. "I don't know, maybe we could get some of the replacement systems and switch them out before we fly into the black hole?" Violet said. "That's-----, a good idea." Mr. Kirtus said.
"Okay, let's do that." Mrs. Katerson said. "Where is the replacement stuff? We need it fast or we'll be sucked into a million Fahrenheit plasma!" John said. "It's right there!" Violet said as she pointed to one of the corners. "Oh." John said. Mr. Kirtus ran over there to get the fixing supplies. "Who took some engineering courses in college?" Mr. Kirtus said. "I did." Mrs. Katerson said. "Okay, you do the repairs." Mr. Kirtus said. "We are pretty close to the plasma, so hurry!!!!!!" Violet said. "Yeah, what she said!" John said. After just thirty seconds, Mrs. Katerson had finished fixing the engine and they were flying back to earth. "Okay, we're good!" Mr. Kirtus said. "Yeah, but we need to go onto warp speed mode." John said. "Okay, I'm turning onto the highest warp speed mode." Mr. Kirtus said.
A trip home, a secret military base and tracking a space ship
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If you haven't read my other books yet, just look up Mr. Kirtus in the storyJumper search or else you won't understand ANYTHING.

Flying into a black hole, a broken space-ship and complete chaos
Everything was complete chaos. John was yelling at the super computer to work, Mr. Kirtus was having a panic attack, Violet was trying to fix the engine with sparks flying everywhere, the alarms were blaring all while they were flying towards an ultra massive black hole with a massive jet of plasma flying out of it. Wait, how did Mr. Kirtus get here? It all started on a plain day when Mr. Kirtus was working on his apple mac pro when he decided to look on his work network. When he checked the new discovery section, he found that there was a new black hole named 1234roa-353. When he clicked on the article link, he found a long article about it. It turns out that 1234roa-353 was the first ultra massive black hole ever discovered. It had a mass of one trillion solar masses. He volunteered to research more about it. When Mr. Kirtus had called Violet about it, she said, "yeah, it seems interesting but it's been chaos over here! Violet Jr. won't stop crying and Katie is like a shark in a way that she never sleep more than half!" Violet said. "Okay, maybe we'll schedule another time." Mr. Kirtus said. "Yeah, that's the only option." Violet said. "Okay." Mr. Kirtus said.
After he hung up, he told Mrs. Katerson about that. "Yeah, we should probably do it another time unless we want to go alone, which we don't." Mrs. Katerson said. The next couple of months were a rush. Violet's house kept being toilet papered by a high school group called THE PRANKSTERS, a group that toilet papered people's houses, moving wasp hives to people's houses, egging people's houses and rip out people's gardens. Mr. Kirtus also suffered from THE PRANKSTERS, though he got egged and had his butterfly garden ripped out and all of his caterpillars taken to the preschools.
Also, Mr. Kirtus got super busy at work, he had to work extra hours and when he came home he usually had to do a lot of research. After those months had passed, Violet called and said, "Yeah, I think that we could go in the next week or two, we've been a lot less busy around here." Violet said. Mr. Kirtus also was getting a lot less busy at work. "Yeah, I'll ask Mrs. Katerson about it." Mr. Kirtus said. "I sometimes forget that Mrs. Katerson is your wife because you use her name so much!" Violet said. "That's strange, though I'll still ask her about it." Mr. Kirtus said and hung up.
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