The storybook about chemistry was created to educate the reader on the basic concepts of bonding in chemistry. The story was made to be fun to read while conveying essential information about ionic and covalent bonding, valence electrons, and the types of elements that form these bonds.
To plan this text I researched the the info in the guiding questions provided and brainstormed a storyline that would be both entertaining and educational. I then researched the chemistry concepts to make sure the story is correct as possible . The story was written to be easily understandable for a general audience, but the intended audience was anyone interested in learning about basic chemistry concepts.
The goals of this text are to introduce the reader to the basic concepts of chemistry, specifically ionic and covalent bonding, and how valence electrons play a big role in forming chemical bonds. It is meant to teach the reader about the differences between these two types of bonds and what types of elements tend to form them. Through the story, readers should be able to understand the concepts of chemistry in a fun way, making the subject less intimidating.
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