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Little Caterpillar nibbled her way out of an egg that was sitting on
a leaf. She looked around and wondered, 'What am I?'
She was very small, very green, and very hungry. She started to
eat the leaf that she was sitting on. ‘Yum!’

Little Caterpillar saw a worm nearby on the ground. The worm was long,
thin, and pink. The worm's shape was similar to the little caterpillar, but
definitely not the same colour.
Little Caterpillar said to the worm, 'Hello! Are you a worm? Am I like
The worm said, 'Yes, I am a worm, I am slippery and I like to burrow in
the dirt. But you're not like me, you're bigger than me, you're green, and
you like to eat leaves. Maybe you're a slug?'

Little Caterpillar ate some more leaves, and went searching for a
slug. She found one near the compost heap.
Little Caterpillar said to the slug, 'Hello! Are you a slug? Am I like
The slug said, 'Yes, I am a slug, I am slimy and I leave silvery trails
behind me, but you're not like me, you have lots of legs. Maybe
you're a millipede?'

Little Caterpillar ate some more leaves, and went searching for a
millipede. It had been raining, and she found one on the pavement.
Little Caterpillar said to the millipede, 'Hello! Are you a millipede? Am I
like you?'
The millipede said, 'Yes, I am a millipede, I’m black and I have too many
legs to even count. But you're not like me, you're a lot bigger and you're
furry. And, although you do have lots of legs, you don't have enough to be
a millipede. Maybe you're a centipede?"

Little Caterpillar ate some more leaves because she was so hungry from her
journey so far, and then she went searching for a centipede. She found one
on a paver near a sandpit. Little Caterpillar said to the centipede, 'Hello!
Are you a centipede? Am I like you?'
The centipede said, 'Yes, I am a centipede. I’m a reddish-brown colour, and
I am carnivorous. I especially like to eat spiders and worms. But you are
green and like to eat leaves – you are a herbivore, and definitely not a
The little caterpillar was sad. She just wanted to know what she was. The
centipede felt sorry for her, and suggested that she go see Princess Holly
the Minibeast Fairy, because she was very clever, and should be able to tell
her what she was.
Little Caterpillar snacked on some more leaves, and then set off to find
Princess Holly the Minibeast Fairy.

A short while later, Little Caterpillar found Princess Holly the
Minibeast Fairy under a mushroom.
Little Caterpillar introduced herself, and explained that she was trying
to find out what she was. She'd already found out that she was not a
worm, a slug, a millipede or a centipede.
Princess Holly smiled at the little caterpillar, and said, 'don't worry, I
can help you with this problem, I know what you are. You’re a
caterpillar and you're going to become a butterfly!'
Little Caterpillar was amazed, 'really?'

'Yes,' said Princess Holly.
'You started as a little egg, then you became a caterpillar, next you'll
make a cocoon, and then you'll come out of the cocoon and be a
butterfly. This is called the butterfly life cycle'.
'That sounds amazing. How do you know all this stuff?' asked Little
'I'm the Minibeast Fairy, it's my job to know all about minibeasts, and
butterflies are a type of insect, and insects are a type of minibeast'.

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Little Caterpillar nibbled her way out of an egg that was sitting on
a leaf. She looked around and wondered, 'What am I?'
She was very small, very green, and very hungry. She started to
eat the leaf that she was sitting on. ‘Yum!’

Little Caterpillar saw a worm nearby on the ground. The worm was long,
thin, and pink. The worm's shape was similar to the little caterpillar, but
definitely not the same colour.
Little Caterpillar said to the worm, 'Hello! Are you a worm? Am I like
The worm said, 'Yes, I am a worm, I am slippery and I like to burrow in
the dirt. But you're not like me, you're bigger than me, you're green, and
you like to eat leaves. Maybe you're a slug?'
- END >
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