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The alarm woke me up. My aunties were
all dressed to start a new day. I needed my
shower time. I will be with you in a little
while. It takes a long time to wash all this
fur. I hope there is some cereal and toast
waiting for me. I am really hungry. Close
the door now. I need my privacy.

‘Good morning sleepy head!’ my aunties
screamed out. It is time to visit a very
special place. Can you guess where we are
going first Rufus?’ asked auntie Jan. I was
not sure but it did not matter because
every place we visit will be special and
exciting to me.

‘Weeee!!! Let’s get going. I want to drive.
All I need to do is hold this big wheel and
you press on the gas. I was only playing
because I am not big enough to drive a car
all by myself. I can drive my bike though.
Auntie Traci placed me in my seat belt once
again and we drove off to that very special
place planned for this morning.

Yes! Hooray! We are at a beach. The
first thing that I get to do is make my first
sand castle. It is not very big but I can
pretend that it is a castle for ants. The sun
is so hot. Maybe I should move closer to
the water. The breeze is much cooler
there. My auntie Wendy has a secret idea.
She will not tell me but I am sure it has
something to do with sand.

I never saw this coming. I must say that
the sand below me is cooler. Do my aunties
think this is really funny? I can see that
they are laughing a lot. It would not be so
bad if that bottle of water was just a bit
closer. Oh well! I am ready to get out now.
Is anyone going to help me?

Look at that puppy. He looks like me. He
is brown and very furry. I will call him over
to help me get out of the sand. ‘Here puppy,
puppy’ Come help me out. I got a treat for
you’. I don’t think the dog is allowed to
come over. He has a leash. He might think it
is a bit crazy for a bear to be buried in the
sand. Thank you anyway puppy.

Auntie Jan helped me out of the sand.
‘Let’s sit by the water for a little while’. We
sat by the shore. The waves had a nice
sound. The wind helped cool us down. It was
really nice to spend some quiet time with
my auntie Jan. She told me some stories
about the boats that sail across the deep
water to the other parts of the world. I
loved listening to her.

The next stop on our journey for today
was a place filled with butterflies. They
started as cocoons and then became bigger
and more beautiful to look at. The building
had lots of butterflies flying everywhere.
Some landed on plates of fruit. Some
landed on auntie’s shoulders. I tried to get
a butterfly to land on my piece of orange.

It is so hard to believe that butterflies
can be so awesome. I like the butterfly
with the big eyes. It looks like he is staring
right at me. I cannot touch them. They are
protected behind the glass. What butterfly
do you like?

Auntie Sharon was very excited when
one butterfly landed on her back. She was
not allowed to pat it but she tried to look
around very hard to see how beautiful it
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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

The alarm woke me up. My aunties were
all dressed to start a new day. I needed my
shower time. I will be with you in a little
while. It takes a long time to wash all this
fur. I hope there is some cereal and toast
waiting for me. I am really hungry. Close
the door now. I need my privacy.

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