I would like to dedicate this book to my family who believes in me and
encourages me in the making of this book. This is my first story book
ever, and hope you'll like it.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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You wake up on a bed of roses with light shining
upon you. You have fallen down into the hole above
you. The vast caverns and sharp stalagmites intimidate
you. Cliffs all around you makes you think how lucky
you were to fall on this platform.
The only safe passage out of this area is... a narrow path
with thousands of knives from the earth below. One small
mistake could end it all.
You take a step and...

You cross it. Simpler than it looked.
Once you crossed the narrow path, you see a curve
within the cave. The caverns take a sharp right turn. You
decide to walk along the rough wall and turn to the
corner. There's a Huge door blocking the whole entire
way. You open the door. It's a very dark room.
There's light shining upon a pink rug in the middle of
the room.
You walk toward the rug, not sure what the floor is, if
there is a narrow path like before with stalagmite, and
what exactly is going on.

"Hello, child. You seem to be lost. May I, guide you
through the ruins. Do not Fear the ruins. Take my
A hooded figure manifested itself by stepping into the
dim light. He held out a hand.
"Come on, I will not attack you."
There was a long pause
"I will only make you..."

You feel extreme Fear as the hooded figure walks
toward you. *Gasp* The hooded figure hesitates. One
second felt like an hour as you stared into the darkness
of a creature, TRUE darkness.
The ground starts to shake. You look behind you as the
door you just entered gets blocked by the tumbling
rocks. You look here, there, everywhere, rocks from the
ceiling crumble and fall. You crouch there, unable to
move, unable to comprehend what's going on.
Right in front of you, stands the pink rug fading away.
The dark hooded figure is also gone. You conclude that
you're going to die alone. No one can help you.
Multiple cracks appear on the walls, but the wall ahead
of you cracks with a glimmer of light piercing through
the darkness.

The light shines brighter. You stand up and walk toward
it, all your concentration, all your focus, onto the beam
of light.
As you walk toward it, everything in slow-motion. The
boulders about to crash into the ground, causing to lose
your balance, but you don't care. All you care is the
light. You don't know anything, your origin, who you
truly are. You feel like someone is watching you. The
sensation of fear starts crawling to your head. It grows
rapidly. Then, it seems to be physical as the growing
sensation starts applying pressure.
You soon realize that it was a...

"Is the child waking up?"
"We just have to wait, darling."
"What happened to it? How did you find it?"
"Look, I've already said it a million times, the little
one was hit by a boulder, you don't have to

worry about it, I'm pretty sure I healed it already."
"Wait, where was the child found?"
"I- wait a sec, I think I found that human in a room
I've never discovered before. Well, it disappeared
quickly. Guess we're lucky I found it just in time."
A feminine squeal is heard in the distance.
"I just can't wait to share my love and care for my
child! *Gasp* This will be a new experience for us! We'll
get to play and have fun like a family! I can see it now,
watching our little bundle of joy hug, kiss, achieve its
goals, and soon make us proud."

It's been about one hour from when you woke up to
listening them until they left. You forgot most of the
conversation due to you being bored.
The couch they have is surprisingly comfortable that
you don't want to leave, but you need to get out of
here. You sit straight on the couch and see an
amazingly decorated house. The walls are bright
yellow and covered with painted on clouds. The room
is practically a typical living room with chairs,
shelves, and a lamp. The ceiling is so far away yet so
close, but dangling pieces of flower pedals hung by
sturdy looking rope acts as a bridge from high
above to here.

You walk around and find a stick with a sharp
corner. You take it just in case something attacks
Once you exit the room through the only door
there, you come across a wall. For some reason, the
brightness blurs out your vision. In fact your vision
is still blurred once you look to the left, which is just
a solid, metal, massive door. What a long, narrow
hallway. But when you look to the right, everything
looks beautiful. You walk continue walking in the
narrow walls, the view getting bigger as you see
columns, paintings, and fancy benches. It felt weird
immersing from a claustrophobic to an intriguing

It's huge! The living room is nothing compared to this
room. It has like 10 huge water fountains with statues
of fish spitting out milk, for some reason. Beautiful
paintings are everywhere. Red blobs fall from the
ceiling. As you get closer, you realize they were roses.
The one that peaks your curiosity is a painting of a black
and white city. It's extremely detailed and large. You
can see up to the smallest thing like pots of plants,
crumbled up pieces of paper everywhere, and the
skyline is just so beautiful.
Under the painting is the fancy bench you saw. You lie
down on it. You were about to fall asleep on it, but you
manage to open your eyes for quite a while. Instantly,
you see a sign next to the painting saying, "You must
not rest, for it will delay you, only delay you, it will not
stop you, only delay you." You get up from the bench

and hold your stick, paranoid. You walk around
exploring cautiously with every step changing the
atmosphere into a dark, cold room. You become fully
aware of the tempting joys. Noticing roses falling down
from the ceiling into huge piles of flowers. A sign
suddenly appears. You can't read it from here but you do
notice that the flowers seem to be the color gray and red
at the same. Almost like you can change how you
perceive the roses.
You look directly in front of you and see a huge archway
substituting a huge door. Lots of big doors these days.
You continue on, ignoring the riches of furniture and
intimidating signs like the "Come here for free
chocolate" sign. The atmosphere of this place has pretty
much gone downhill, replacing the beautiful music of the

wonder into the sound of rushing water...milk.
As you approach the archway, you see a smaller, more
narrow room, bigger than the hallway before though. In
the room, you see a blurred red color. Once you lift your
foot off the ground, something just very small poofs into
the side of the arch. As you turn your head, you noticed
that the bright yellow color in the hallway in front of you
have line, almost as the colors had a boundary, like the
corner of a wall. Once you focus on the design of the
arch, you find that the color is more sharp and see
clouds on the sides for decoration instead of just pure
yellow. About one hundred pounds were lifted off your
chest. Now you could focus clearly and be more alert.
As you lifted another foot, there was a curious thought
that buzzed in your head. Your foot quickly planted on

the ground and looked back at was once the most
luxurious place you've ever seen. Instantly, everything
was yellow for the walls and red for the roses. You
turned back and saw perfect color resolution in the
hallway. You turned your head again and again until you
felt nauseated. You finally enter the hallway.
Another pile of roses, you thought.
Another sunny background, you thought.
You were at the center of the hallway staring at what
the room had to offer, nothing. But there was something
that caught your eye, something shiny at the corner.
A knife.
You walked toward it and picked it up.
"It's about time", you said out loud.

"No, wait!"
A large creature thing runs toward you. You instantly have a
heart attack, have a sense of fear that completely outmatches
the hooded figure, and returned to normal, all at the same
time! As soon as you snap out of it, the feeling of your name
being called out fills you, but you do not have time to ponder it
because life could end right now. You quickly found out there
was another opening in the room.

You felt incredibly stupid that you didn't bother to look
at the right side of the room.
All you could do was cover your face with your hands
and drop the knife. A sudden gust of wind blows all over
you and ends quickly. Your hands still frozen all over
your face gives an opportunity for the creature to charge
into you. As you stand there, still frozen, you sharply
hear clothing rubbing on each other. The feeling that
someone is watching you, more like someone a
thousand feet tall. Another year, or second passes as
you hear a very tiny sound that sounds like those
swords that makes a cool noise from cutting through the
air, only the sword and sound are smaller.

"You can open your eyes now." You open your eyes very
slowly and see what you didn't expect. Instead of seeing
a gigantic creature, you see a normal looking woman.
She wears just a dress and shoes. Nothing strikes your
curiosity except maybe for the fact that her dress is
blue, instead of red. As you look up toward her face,
something catches you off guard. Her face looks normal
except for the nose and mouth. That thing is a
combination of the head of a woman and the snout of a
bull. She currently has a pissed off face and holds the
knife you dropped beside you. She suddenly drops the
knife and tears swell in her eyes as she shakes her hand,
removing her scowl.
"Are you alright? Please, be more careful with the knife sweetie,
don't you know the knife is dangerous, it's common sense! Why
didn't you tell me you were awake? Were you even awake?

Please answer me, I intend to take care of you, please understand."
She hugs you, rubs her hands against your back, all
these motherly gestures she does while her mouth runs
ten miles per second. "Here, we are going to go to my house. A
cozy condo will fit nicely as a description of our house. Come along."
She grabs your hand and walk into a long hallway. You
look back at the knife. Is that how the world is like, you

The journey was beautiful...for like one minute. The
trip in a nutshell was seeing a bunch of waterfalls and
roses. The only thing that kept you from going insane
was your supposedly "Mom" rambling about interesting
facts like how turtles grow and how hamsters are
nocturnal animals. This kept you from going insane for

like five minutes. Now all of a sudden, all she discusses
about are numbers and how you can add them and
subtract. She also talks about pointless history and
stories that have no importance to life whatsoever even
though she said so. You answered, and answered, and
answered a bunch of pointless questions. But there were
a few fun riddles and tricky number problems.
After about an hour of this nonsense, you decide to
rebel against what she says. You're tired of following the
stupid rules. You want your "independence."
"I do not tolerate this type of behavior. Get rid of those evil, red
horns of yours. Haven't you been listening to my lect-"
"Shut up!"
"Stop! Listen to my lecture, OK. L-listen to my lecture, young child.

Your mother has more experience in life. I regret the choices I made
back when I was a child, so listen follow my commands if you do not
want to have a childhood like mine. Don't worry, we're almost at m-,
our place. You'll also get to meet your father there."
You never really pondered why those people want to be
your parents, you just took it like it was a normal thing,
maybe like a tradition.
Since your "mother" told you that we're almost at our
destination, you decide to put up with her, so after about
seventeen hours, you finally arrive at your destination.
The place is beautiful, it contained a sunny background,
waterfalls, a bunch of roses, and a wall in front of you...
Tears swelled up in your eyes. All that waiting for
nothing. You felt a sharp pain in your head. You felt an

extreme need to end one's life.
"Here we are!" She pointed at the sunny wall in front of
you. You pinched yourself. Nope, it's not a dream. You
brainstorm ideas of why we did this. Is it because she's
mean? Is it because she's blind? Is she mental? All the
thoughts run through your mind. Then, you get snapped
back to reality by a sudden move in the ground. The
sudden shake turns into a quake. It's not as powerful as
the dark room but still pretty strong. You look up from
the cracks forming in the ground and see her standing
straight with arms folded behind her back while you're
trying to keep your balance. It isn't long before the wall
in front of you literally opens like an elevator!
The shaking quickly stops as soon as the sunny doors
open completely. Took you a while to regain focus.
Once the blurred vision stopped, the best thing you've

seen thus far was behold by your eyes. You saw green
stuff, but not just any green stuff, that was just your
peripheral vision saw. What your true vision was dipped
into was the true nature of beauty itself, and that is
nature itself.
The towering trees, the beautiful leaves, and the variety
of plants that contained a variety of colors, but mostly
green. It was majestic. Feelings you've never imagined
were real, are real. It felt like someone finally gets you.
Like it felt your pain and is here to throw that pain away
into the ocean.
"You see, totally worth the wait." You agree to what she
said. You roll in the dirt, jump in the mud, jump on logs,
and hang on vines.
"Woah! After this you're gonna have to take a shower, child."

Child. She called you a child. She.. called you a child.
"Hey, don't think any red evil thoughts. You are a child, face
it", the half human, half bull said. Anger boiled in you.
You tried to stay silent and not talk back. To keep you
busy, you just stared at the trail that all of you were
following. The atmosphere of the forest didn't have that
majestic feeling anymore.
"Welp, here we are. Our home now." She showed you the
outside of the house. It was like any other house, but
not as fancy as the BOX you've watched.
Everything went like a flash. You met your dad, a half
bull, half human. You got to experience fun times like
playing board games with them, learning fun stuff with
them, and snuggling with them. Good times, but now
you don't care...

It got boring real fast. All the hugging and learning
didn't appeal to you, no, you hated them all. What's the
importance of all these numbers? Why do you "parents"
put restrictions on you like a bedtime, or learning
useless numbers, especially on the amount of hours
each day to use the BOX. That thing is practically the
only reason why you put up with this "family." Without
the BOX, you are practically nothing.

In this world, who cares about learning numbers, when
you have a BOX to learn about. It has everything to
learn about, from what clothes to wear to what's going
on with high ranking people's lives. Why don't your
parents know the importance of this BOX? Your parents
tell you to go outside, play sports, or do the chores.
Why can't your parents do it. You've already done
enough with the numbers, so why can't you take a
break. It's unfair, right? It's unfair, right? Is it?
You tell yourself lies just to have a good reason to use
the BOX. You remember that your GOAL is to get out
from the underground. You tell yourself another lie by
saying to yourself that it'd be quicker to reach your
GOAL if you just left this place, your "family."

You ignored them and left them. You regret your
choice, your mind filled with anxious questions as the
consequences, but those questions aren't just the only
consequence you'll experience in this world, in the
underground. Your "parents" won't help you now.
As you reach the outskirts of forest, you hear a familiar
voice. "Hehehe.. Nice job on ditching your parents.
You're finally free from that jail in disguise. But I don't
think you'll survive one sec by the time you've stepped
out of this forest. But don't worry, I'll accompany you in
this barren wasteland. I'll act as your guide, like I said.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You look around and see
grass everywhere. You look up and see that the sky is
blue with the true sun looking like it just woke up. You
don't know that is possible in the underground but so
are other things like why do the people, sorta, in here
speak your language. You ignore the questions, life here
has been a crazy roller coaster. Behind you is the forest.
It still blows your mind on how precise the boundary

of the forest and wasteland is. "Welcome to this place."
The hooded figure made gestures to introduce the land
to you. The hooded figure is surprisingly enthusiastic.
"I'll help you with anything that's worth my time. In the
meantime, just walk forward, dead straight."
Within just minutes, you found a broken BOX. "Hmmm,
looks like people are still buying those worthless
BOXES. People these days, who needs fancy clothes?
Who needs to know high ranking people's life?" You
hate to admit it, but he's right. "Who needs online
friends? Who needs friends at all? They're just a bunch
of burdens." You agree with the former, but totally not
the latter.
Water is the only thing you think about. Thirstiness
overwhelms you. "Thirsty, ehh? Well, we're approaching

company so maybe that'll distract you, I guess." A few
minutes, you concentrate on the horizon of the plains
and find little black things barely moving. People! You
had a sudden boost of energy.
There appears to be a group of four people, or
creatures laying on their, belly, yet manage to...float?
They are dogs. Looks like all five of them are focused
on something on the ground which is why they are in a
circle looking down. You walked closer. They don't
notice you. Your walk turns into a stomp intentionally.
Still no. You look up and find a numerous amount of
black, dark, and yellow squares on the horizon. You
surmised that it was a town...A town! There could be
water there, no, there has to be water there. You kept
walking until something soft stops your shoe from
continuing. It's followed by an ear-screeching

scream, "YYEEEEOOOOWW! What is wrong with you!"
The dog glares at you. It's a golden colored dog, more
like a golden retriever. It took you a second to realize
that you stepped on the dog's tail. Looking beyond this
dog, you see a poodle, bulldog, and a german shepherd.
But then, as soon as the german shepherd walked
toward the golden dog, a rose can be seen. It had
glowing eyes, a nose, a mouth, even ears attached to
the side of the rose. It looked directly at you with two
blank eye sockets that used to be glowing. "Hey, why
aren't you listening to me?" The golden retriever bit you.
You took no damage from the bite.
"Hello human, I am Jake, the leader of this pack. We do
not want to make harm, but to make friends with
everyone." You explained what happened and everything
turned out okay. You thought about what

Jake said, dog being your friend. You guess he'll be your
best friend. Drums are heard in the distance. "This is
Abby the poodle, Jack the bulldog, and Russ the german
"Hi", they all said in unison. Not much excitement.
"Can't we just watch the BOX now?" Jack said. They all
walked toward Jake. "Uuhhh, what do you think, Sam?"
The rose had its glowing eyes back. Go ahead, if you
want to. "Okay!" They all gathered around BOX. You
looked at those dogs being absorbed by the content they
are watching, not noticing the bird landing on the BOX.
You looked at them with pity as their eyes grew larger.
Never again will you ever watch that BOX. Never again
will you ever watch that BOX...right? The rose looked
straight at you...and disappeared.

"So, you guys can't enter the town due to your stupidity", you
asked. "We're not stupid, just not good at puzzles, right
team?" All the dogs put their head down. The rose was also
gone, yet they don't seem to notice. "So who is this
PazMcClass guy." It was important to know who this was since
that person doesn't let them enter the town which could
contain, no, which contains water. "So what type of questions
does PazMcClass ask?"

"Mainly number, maze, and riddle questions", Jake responded.
The group and you travel toward the outskirts of the town
which was a thin gate. You see nothing the gate contains but
the city itself. You can probably can climb the fence around it.
"Why don't you just climb the fence without some dude telling
you to stop", you ask.
"Uuhh, I don't think that's allowed here", said Abby. "Hmm,
you know what? I think you're right. I'm tired hanging around
in the grasslands", shouted Russ confidently.
"Now, now. We don't need to fuss. Just, answer the questions
like we're supposed to do", Jake said speaking directly to the
team. "I think our friend here knows how to solve this
You consider your options carefully. Should you do it, or

You decide not to cheat because rules are rules. "What
do we do to summon this PazMcClass guy?"
"I see, well you just press this button right here", Jack
said as he pressed the red button right in the center of
the gate. Then, the gate opened. When you were about
to step forward, black smoke appeared right in front of
you. That black smoke changed into a yellow color, like
the sunny background wall. The yellow smoke expanded
around you and your friends. You somehow felt anxiety,
lots of it. It was like you knew everything was going to
be alright yet felt like something is controlling your
"Don't worry, this feeling, happens to all of us," Abby
said in a reassuring tone. Your worries went away in a
flash. With friends you can do anything...right? "Hello
class, my name is PazMcClass. Today, we will

discuss and do fun activities together. First all, we will do fun
number activities."
PazMcClass had the face of a bull, literally! But besides
that, it's just a normal person with a shirt and blue
jeans. PazMcClass also talked babyish, like your mom.
You took it with no sense weirdness.
You learned cool facts about numbers, which bored
"Look, you need to learn this or else you won't pass so
be positive and stay behaved."
That tone of voice changed from caring to serious.
Guess there's another person who is aggressive on the
red thoughts.
It was easier than you thought. Everything involved
colors, shapes, and barely riddles, mazes, and numbers.
Your friends also had an easy time doing this. You

wonder why they asked you to help them. But still, you felt
satisfied for being in there with them.
"Class is dismissed. Remember that lectures I taught you
people, all these teachings will be very useful in the future, but
now, in future classes which you will likely encounter, they will
expand on these concepts."
The authority figure continued blabbering. It seems that there
will be more classes.
"Thank you all again. You may pass my class", said
You and the dogs stood next to each other as all of you
watched PazMcClass and the sunny background wall disappear
into thin air. "Uh, thanks for helping us, without you, we
wouldn't pass this gate", said Jake. "Guess it's time to take our
separate...paths, I guess." Something about Jake is suspicious.
Why would the group need your help?

"Sam, I need you to-" Jake suddenly whispered into the rose.
You didn't know when and how it came here. As soon as Jake
stopped whispering, Jake called out to his team, said there
final goodbyes to you, and...went to the opposite direction of
the town. Not what you expected. The rose looked at you with
glowing eyes. It's not truly you.
The rose disappeared right in front of you, but you weren't
aware of that.
You walked into the town. A bunch of black rectangles. The
town is literally black. All the tall buildings are black like
shadows. People going in and out of buildings are like simple
black stick figures. The streets were empty, like a ghost town.
All you see are people walking in and out of buildings, homes,
and stores. Once you walked closer to the black, shadowy
town, you heard the people talk about...gibberish.

It's just like any other day in this town. You wake up, eat
breakfast, watch the BOX, eat lunch, watch the BOX, eat
dinner, then watch the BOX.
You walk toward the suburbans of the town and see stick
figures sitting and watching the BOX.
Once you press it, you can't stop it.
It's a boring sight, but for some reason, you're still able to be
entertained by a bunch of black squares. In fact, you think the
town is beautiful. Food, there might be some good food in here.
You explore the town and see what seems to be a store,
another black square on the ground. You don't question how
you found the store. You open the door, cold air rushing toward
you. No one is in here. You see a menu in front of you. Type
any food you like. You type in pizza. The menu in front of you
opens like doors in an elevator.

A platform gives you pizza. You eat it. You walk out of the
store and into the streets. It's filled with people with one side
going one way and the other side going the opposite direction.
It's beautiful day today. The sky's white, buildings are a nice
shade of black, and we all live equal lives, forced not to make
any difference on this world.
You soon join the people, walking toward your
destination. A flying machine hovers over and makes a
screeching noise. "Hey, what's up, good after... boy, it's a
beautiful day today. And of course, I'm here to bring you up
with some daily news about high ranking people, because of
course, their lives are more interesting and important than our
lives. I'm here with my man...unfortunately, da man can't join
us today, but don't worry, I've got some hot topics that'll make
sure all of you remember this in our

tiny little lives.
Actually, I've got something better than what's going on with
our high ranking people's lives, something we've all been
hyped for a very long time."
"I'm here to announce the one and only! The MoblieBOX!
Available in stores near you! No. I'm just kidding, it's only
available in the city New Angels, but, it is coming to stores
near you once the sales gone down because boy did those
MobileBOXES sell fast like hot pancakes! And now time for
some ads!"
You listen to some ads. Once that's over you hear a song
playing in the radio. It keeps saying "baby" for some reason.
Whatever reason that is, you're back into reality from
excruciating pain. You look around and see the same

thing, the same sights, yet you feel as if there's a brand new
thing to see. You get out of the street and sit down on an open
area like a park, only everything is black and white. You look
at the city skyline. This city is bigger than you thought. You
stop and think about your journey. A small voice whispers in
your ears. "Think about the time you saw the city at the horizon." You
try to remember. You vividly see black and shadow spots at
the horizon. You also see yellow spots...yellow spots! You got
up and look around to find anything that's not the color black
and white. Sure enough, you spot something particular from
the buildings. Something bright flashed in your peripheral
vision. In a second, you can clearly see something yellow. You
run into the stick figures walking in unison. No one is
Now you see a bright, sunny yellow building. Running

turns into sprinting as the sunny background gets closer. You
look at the ground while sprinting. The sound of your
consistent footsteps makes you think about how silent this
place. Just people walking, walking, and walking, barely
making any noise. This town reminds you of the gray painting
of a city you stared at. Silence. You are in a mist, your mind is
at its max, body on auto pilot. Self consciousness fills your
So many wonders of the world, so many questions. Why are
you here? Where do you come from? What exactly is the
underground? Heck, what is the meaning of life? These
questions, mysteries, the unknown, the darkness, the
monsters under the bed. It scares you. The small things you
take for granted.
You wake up on a floor of concrete. Turns out you bumped
into wall while running. There's no other way but to go

to this dark alley. Automatically, it's different here. You
actually smelled something!
A can of garbage. You're excited to smell a can of...garbage.
You take some time in order to let what happen flow in. You
continue on.
It's also dirty, unlike the clean, bland city that literally only
have streets, buildings, and open areas. Crumbled pieces of
paper sit on the ground waiting to be open. You open one up.
"Should we have rules and be equal, or have our own
personality." You picked up another. "Just one man trying to
make his way in life."
"Can we go back?...The bomb's ticking...Having fun has
consequences...Are we time travelers trying to fix a mistake
but ending up having amnesia, living in this fake world?...Why
are we here...Work or play...Someone out

there will always be better than you at
everything...What's the point...Why is this place called
Puzzle Town?...Why is the answer always
cliched?...Save water guys."
All these crumpled up pieces of paper, are these true?
Finally, you're out of that creepy place. Once you turn
the corner, you see a small, yellow building right in
front of you. You open the door and enter. A library. It's
a small one, with lots of childrens books. You pulled
one out. The title says,"Second Place." It's about a kid
who's always beaten and second place in anything, in
school, in sports, in life. And just as the kid finds
something it's really good at, the child finds out that
someone else won an award on the hobby, and that
person is younger than the protagonist. Interesting.
Once you put the book back, you hear loud bark, no,

make that four. Yup, they're back.
"What up! Long time no see!"
You agreed. "Ahh, I see you're reading the book,
Second Place. One of the best books ever. Ten out of
ten, best book of the year", Abby said in dreamy voice.
While Russ and Jack were fighting each other, you
conversed with Jake and Abby. "Did you hear about the
new MobileBOX?"
"Yes, but where is it", you asked Abby who was clearly
hyped up for this product. "We're planning to travel to
New Angels with my team", Jake said in proud voice,
obviously trying to act casually. "Ugh, look, we aren't
going to follow your every command."
Great, now they're all fighting. You leaped out of a
window that was destroyed by Russ and Jack. You left

the library, heading toward the edges of the town, which
is...conveniently right in front of you in a form of a
tunnel. You walk toward the tunnel, hearing footsteps
behind you. "Wait, don't forget us! We only know the
directions, not you...I think."
You continue walking, knowing that they'll catch up. But
they didn't...or you think.

The forest. The true nature of beauty itself, and that is
nature itself. The towering trees, ugh, the beautiful
leaves, dirty insects, and the variety of plants that
contained poison ivy, bugs, a variety of colors, mostly
green. It was majestic. It was uncomfortable. Feelings
you've never imagined were real are real. Yeah, one
feeling is how dirty and unclean you are from all this
dirt and leaves. It felt like someone finally gets

you. Great, my shirt's all covered in dirt. Like it felt your
pain and is here to throw that pain away into the ocean.
Boring. When can we watch the BOX?
"No, you shan't. You have been watching too much of that stuff. We
must limit the time."
"Hey, if you wanna pass the time, then go outside, instead of
watching that stupid BOX."
" Hey kid, don't worry about them, I'll take care of em for you.
They'll only be a burden to get out of this underground."
You felt your sins rolling down your cheeks.

"Wake up!"
Russ shakes you uncontrollably. You wake up.
"Whew, don't scare us like that. Why didn't you tell
us you were gonna take a nap, huh?"
"Calm down dude." Jake walks in front of all of us.
"Anyways, tell us, what happened to you, when you
were walking in the tunnel, your breathing

sounded funny. We tried and bring you back to
reality, but you just fell on the ground, flat.
Besides that, in order to reach the big city, we need
to open more gates that block the way." "Why are
there more classes", you asked but then
remembered what PazMcClasss said, "There will be
more classes that expand on this concept." Or at
least you think it is. "Where are the rest of the
"They're straight ahead", Russ answered for you.
You and the group walked dead straight and not
long after, you saw a gate. You looked at the fences,
it looks higher than before. "Ready?" Jake hesitantly
pressed the button. The beginning of the

class is the same as last time. The black smoke surrounded
you and the gang, quickly turning to yellow smoke. "Hello
children, I am PazMcClass the second. Now get to work." This
teacher seems to be more strict than the other teacher. You
still did numbers, and mazes, and more riddles. There were not
much interactive activities like cutting out shapes and coloring,
just mostly numbers.
You passed the class only getting one failing grade. Your
friends seem to be doing good as well.
Another gate.
You pressed the red button. "Hello students, get to work." Well
that was a warm welcome. It was more difficult now. You did
numbers, mazes, and riddles but no interactive activities.
Again, you passed the class with a few failing grades. Jack
seems to be struggling. He got multiple failing

grades. You wished the sun would just go down so you
can rest. Back then, you complain about sleeping early.
Now, things has changed.
Another gate.
"Get to work." The sunny background is no more. You
did numbers and mazes all day. "When can we do
riddles", Russ asked sounding desperate. "You won't be
doing them anymore, focus more on the numbers." You
felt an incredible sensation to cheat. You barely have
any social hour with your friend. "I wanna watch the
BOX so badly." Abby whispered in your ears.
You agreed.
You passed the class, with a lot of failing grades. Jack
was left behind.
Another gate, right in front of you as soon as the black
smoke faded away.

You barely have anytime to talk with your friends. You
look at the fences. It is almost as tall as the gate itself.
"I'm tired of this. I can't do this anymore." Russ headed
toward the fences and tried to climb the fence. He did
You wanted to do it too, but you decided not to.
You pressed the red button. Black smoke turns into a
solid wall. This is the classroom, black and white, like
the town before. You did numbers and mazes all day,
but at least there was something fun which was seeing
beautiful and amazing sights. You stared at erupting
volcanoes, ocean creatures, and historic raging wars.
Funny. You didn't know BOXES are used in this class.
You, Jake, and Abby barely pass the class.
No more gates. It's just Jake and Abby now, the others
are gone. "OMG, I can't believe we managed to get out

of that stupid place", Abby sighed. Everything is the
same as before, grassy land and the sun looking like it
just woke up. "I'm tired." Jake lied down on the grass.
Although the ground might make your shirt dirty, you
didn't mind it. You close your eyes.
It was weird, having a rare moment to take a break
from your journey. Conveniently, the ground starts to
shake. You get up and see Jake running away. "Jake!
Stop!" Abby starts to run. You do the same thing.
The shaking gets harder. It starts to form cracks
through the grass! This earthquake is nothing like you've
ever experienced before. The crack gets wider. You can
practically see lava down there now.
Jake is running dead straight into the ravine. "Suicide is
not the answer", you call out. Abby right in front of you
stops. You also stop and walk next to Abby. You saw

Jake pick up something shiny. "Look guys, I found the
MobileBOX!" He waved it around.
It's mine.
You run toward Jake. Abby also runs at your side. "I'm going
to be the one to get it." Abby trips you. You try to catch up with
Abby, but it's too late. You watch her grab the MobileBOX from
Jake. They're practically standing at the edge of the cliff. No,
you must get that MobileBOX.
You run toward Abby, not caring whether she will fall or not.
Just when you are about to push her off, Jake runs from the
side and rams her off of your path consequently being the
target of death. Too late to stop, you knock Jake off the cliff.
"Jake! No!" Abby glares at you, her fur shining from the lava.
Her eyes are now getting blurred. "You know what, this wasn't
worth it." You thought she meant that of your actions. It has to
be bigger than that.

She runs away far into the distance. She's gone now.
You stand there.
You try to comprehend that your friend is dead.
Something else bothers you. You notice the earthquake
stopped. You look behind you. Grass. The ravine is
gone. No signs of an earthquake, not even cracks. How
long did you stand there? You seem to be always in
trouble. Like the trouble is attracted to you. You blame
it on bad luck, but that isn't the case, is it?
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I would like to dedicate this book to my family who believes in me and
encourages me in the making of this book. This is my first story book
ever, and hope you'll like it.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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You wake up on a bed of roses with light shining
upon you. You have fallen down into the hole above
you. The vast caverns and sharp stalagmites intimidate
you. Cliffs all around you makes you think how lucky
you were to fall on this platform.
The only safe passage out of this area is... a narrow path
with thousands of knives from the earth below. One small
mistake could end it all.
You take a step and...

You cross it. Simpler than it looked.
Once you crossed the narrow path, you see a curve
within the cave. The caverns take a sharp right turn. You
decide to walk along the rough wall and turn to the
corner. There's a Huge door blocking the whole entire
way. You open the door. It's a very dark room.
There's light shining upon a pink rug in the middle of
the room.
You walk toward the rug, not sure what the floor is, if
there is a narrow path like before with stalagmite, and
what exactly is going on.
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