Forest Fairy thought that must be good to invite Spirit of the forest Raphael. She waved her magic wand. Raphael was here after a moment.
- We need to concentrate our efforts and help the poor tree - Flora said.

Yes, it's really very hard, - endorsed Raphael.
They decided that at the first...
The humble tree's dreams could actually come true. It had always dreamed to travel to different lands, make new friends and be big and beautiful and provide food and shelter for many animals and other creatures like
St.Clare College, San Gwann, Malta
Fairies and Spirits. And so Flora waved her magic wand and turned the simple tree into an enormous one full of leaves. Birds nested among her branches that went high up into the sky to different lands. One beautiful day a little boy came ...
.......The little boy looked at the tree and he thought:
Základná škola s materskou školou Jarná, Poprad Slovakia
,,This huge beautiful tree must be very tall... I want to climb to the top of the tree and see this wonderful view." He climbed up the tree where he saw a magical world in which forest ghosts and fairies lived. What did he see?
He saw a beautiful world full of trees, happy animals, fairies flying among them and special creatures working
Tilgnerova School Bratislava, Slovakia
hard the world pretty and keep the forest a peaceful place. Goodforest elves, Foresters, were planting trees, the sun was sending its life-giving light to the flowers, leaves and animals. Suddenly, Tom spotted something which made him upset and he felt sad and angry at the same time. At one place, the birds flew quickly out of the bushes, and deer were running wildly, with the fear in the eyes, to each side. What happened?
Primary School Oberwart, Austria
Finally Tom saw, what happened. A dragon with three heads flew around, spitting fireballs through the magical world. "What can we do to save our world?" He asked the tree. It replied: "I don't know, you have to look for the fairy who has already transformed me as well and ask for help. "
Tom jumped down from the tree, ran through the woods shouting loudly for the fairy and really, a short time later he found her. She was sitting on a tree and wept. Tom called to her: "Fairy, don't cry, you have to save our world before the three-headed dragon disturbes it, come quickly!"

Flora and Tom climbed the magic tree and asked all the birds to fly around the magic world and tell all the other animals and creatures to help them to find out Flora’s magic wand.A few minutes later, Dido the deer told Flora and Tom that early in the morning,
Sant Josep school, Navàs. Catalonia.
when he was drinking fresh water from the stream and eating green grass in the wood, he saw that something strange was happening in the forest. He saw Raphael entering the maleficent witch’s enchanted castle with Flora’s magic wand!
Flora and Tom were terrified with that news!
They didn´t like the witch at all. Once, the witch was a fairy, a beautiful one, with her blond hair and big blue eyes, but she has broken her good spell because she was delighted with her beauty that she has forgotten to help the villagers to whom she had promised help.
EB1 / Pe da Lombada-Ponta do Sol, Madeira
However Rafael, the Spirit of the Forest was home to the Maleficent and took the Wand of Flora, to try to turn it back into the Blue Fairy, beautiful and nice. Then he said to him:
-With the power of this Wand I come here to set you free, but you must show that you are sorry for what you did for evil abandon the villagers and promise it will never happen again!
Agrupamento de Escolas de Aljustrel

You will protects them and help free the forest, the terrible dragon that goes to destroy!
-I promise! I am very sorry to have been so proud! But how can I help? I no longer have the powers of my Wand! Neither my wings! The fairy queen retired but as a punishment of my vanity. No they can not fly!
-Yes, but I'm like the Spirit of the Forest, I'll ask the queen that helps unite us, returning you all powers, so that we can restore peace and harmony in the Woods.
So then Flora and Tom slowly set off to see the Queen, considering what to do when they got there.
As they approached the castle, they saw a
man who was only one metre high and
wearing brightly coloured clothes.
Whitehouse Common Primary
School, England

Ecole élémentaire Saint-Exupéry -Pourrières France

She started screaming and crying.
-Flora we have to go, before the dog kills us!
Flora got up and they ran into a dark room.
I can`t see anything . Flora said.
–Yes, I know! Do you think you can work your magic and make us some torches?
-Yes, I could if I had my magic wand!
Sorry!. Tom said.
Spetalen Skole, Norway

Suddenly the whole room was filled with a strong light.
–Aaa! Someone screamed.
-Did you hear that? Flora asked.
–Yes, who could it be?
When the light turned off ,they saw a boy.
-Who are you? asked Tom.
-I`m Jack. The boy said.
-What do you have on your head? Flora asked.
-It`s a headset !
–What`s a headset? Tom asked.
-It`s something you can put into your ears, and then listen to Music!
-How do they work? asks Tom.
-I do not have time to explain it, we`re in a hurry!
-Okay, what is it? Tom asks.
-I have come from the future to warn you.
-You must take care of the trees, they are in great danger for the future, says Jack.
-What will happen? Flora asks.
-The arrival of large machines that will destroy the whole forest, worldwide. Jack answers.
-How can that happen? Flora cries out, with a frightened expression
on her face.
-A dragon of this world lives forever! If nobody stops it, the universe will be gone!
Both Flora and Tom scream with horror.
-Can you help me to save the trees of the future? Jack asks.
Flora says to Tom:
-We must help him!
-Ok, we will help you save the trees,
Tom replies firmly .
-Let`s go to Maleficents castle, get back your wand, and fix your wings, says Jack to Flora.
Flora laughs with delight!
We must confront the three -headed dog. But I don't know how. It will destroy me!'- said Flora.
Primary School 'Tode Hadzi-Tefov', Macedonia
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Forest Fairy thought that must be good to invite Spirit of the forest Raphael. She waved her magic wand. Raphael was here after a moment.
- We need to concentrate our efforts and help the poor tree - Flora said.

- END >
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