Part 1
Ben’s saber then turned on. It’s fiery red blade emerged from the hilt. Tron ran through the treetops of Yavin-4 to reach his father. Luke took a swing at Ben’s head, but Ben blocked it and punched Luke in the nose while he had the chance. Luke fell to the ground in pain.
Ben lifted his lightsaber over his head and swung down at Luke. Tron jumped down from the tree and forced Ben into a tree behind him.
“Run” said Luke, getting up.
“I can’t leave you father!” exclaimed Tron.
“You have to. I will handle your cousin”
Tron ran south of where his father and Ben were clashing. There was a landing platform where his ship, the Gold Striker, was landed. He jumped into the ship and balsted into space.
Chapter 1- The beginning
The wind blew dust into Winter's eyes, he did not care. The only thing on his mind was the bounty. A million credits can get anything. As being the best Bounty Hunter around, He can do it.
"When is she getting here?" asked his partner Dexture.
"Soon" Winter replied.
Was she coming? Was this a plot to take him out? It couldn't be, nobody messes around with a million credits! She was coming and he knew it.
2 hours later.....
"That is it were leaving!" exclaimed Dexture.
"No were not. One more hour." said Winter, As they climbed up a Tatooine bar.
Winter waited and waited. Then something was moving behind them. Winter quickly got into a crouch and pointed his two mandalorian sidearms pointing.
There stood a women with a scarf covering her face with goggles covering her eyes.
"Are you Winter Marek son of Nick Marek who is son of Galen Marek?" asked the women.
"How-" But the women cut him off.
"No time for questions. Yes or no?"
"Yes" Winter replied.
"Then we must leave now. The First Order will be here soon."
"The First-"
"We need to go"

Commander Jackson Ran into the Grand Leader's throne room.
"My lead we Intel showing that the Bounty Hunters known as Nightshade and Dexture have joined the Resistance." said the Commander.
"Good tell Lord Kanos to hunt them down" replied Snoke.

Tie Fighters started to fill the sky.
"We need to go now!" Exclaimed the woman.
"Follow me" said Winter.
They started to jump from building to building. A TIE Fighter started to fire at the three. Winter shot the pilot with his sidearms. They made it to the hanger where Winter's ship, the Rouge Shadow, was landed. Winter looked to his left and saw a cloaked figure. Winter slung his Sniper around from his back and took an aim at the person. He went to pull the trigger, but he couldn't move. It felt as someone was holding still and made his body burn. Winter was now scared. He closed his eyes and hoped that someone would help. A second later, He felt free, He opened his eyes and saw the cloaked figure laid flat on his face. Winter ran tword the ship.
He opened the hatch and the three of them ran inside. Dexture ran to the canons and started to shoot down the tie fighters. Winter got into the pilots seat and blasted into space.
Chapter 2- The Dark Warrior
"What was that!" exclaimed Dexture.
"That was a Dark Warrior. You might now them as Sith." said the Woman
"A SITH!" Yelled Dexture
"Calm Down. Who are you?" asked Winter
"I am Saphire Ren. Daughter of Sabine Ren, Leader of Mandalor" said the Woman.
"My mother is from Mandalor. She was part of what remanded of Death Watch."
"Death Watch! They were the traitors."
"Does that really matter in our situation?"
"No I was just informing you. Now I want your help me find-"
"Luke's son, Tron."
"How did you-"
"I Knew."
"But How!?"
"Just did."
She gave him a look. She was thinking , Winter could tell.
"I think... Your a force wielder?!"
Winter thought about this. All the things that happen that he didn't mean to happen.
"We need to head to-" But Saphire was Interrupted again
"Okay. I guess you already set coordinates?"
Winter pressed the hyper-jump button
On the planet of kaysheek, One Jedi knight was meditating in his Hut. A wookie entered.

"RAAAAA!" Roared the Wookie.
"A ship entered orbit!" exclaimed the Jedi.
The shadow of his ship was very small compared to the wookie village. The Rouge Shadow flew over the wookie village; the shadow of the ship was small compared to large village. Winter landed the ship outside the village.
As the hatch lowered, wookies started to surround the ship. As the three Adventurers exited the ship, the wookies came bombarding into the ship, cuffing Winter, Dexture,and Saphire.
"We are looking for a Jedi named-". Saphire was then interrupted by Winter.
" He's Tron ."
There was long string of silence.

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Part 1
Ben’s saber then turned on. It’s fiery red blade emerged from the hilt. Tron ran through the treetops of Yavin-4 to reach his father. Luke took a swing at Ben’s head, but Ben blocked it and punched Luke in the nose while he had the chance. Luke fell to the ground in pain.
Ben lifted his lightsaber over his head and swung down at Luke. Tron jumped down from the tree and forced Ben into a tree behind him.
“Run” said Luke, getting up.
“I can’t leave you father!” exclaimed Tron.
“You have to. I will handle your cousin”
Tron ran south of where his father and Ben were clashing. There was a landing platform where his ship, the Gold Striker, was landed. He jumped into the ship and balsted into space.
- END >
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