Sally is a very shy girl. She doesn't talk to anyone at school. Her parents past away in a car crash and ever since she has become very shy.
She lives with her grandparents. They've tried so much to try and get her to be more social. Today her grandma brings out a puppet she gave to Sally's mom when she was little.

Her grandma tries to make her play with the puppet.
"A toy? I not in the mood for toys." Sally sobbed. Her grandma was sad. She went upstairs to Sally's room and put the chest down.

"I hope this will help" her grandma wished. Then, she left the room. Sally didn't know that this puppet was her moms. Sally's mom used to be shy too. The puppet helped her.

Sally played with the puppet. She didn't feel interested in it.
"I'll use it after school tomorrow. I should get some sleep." Sally went to sleep.

Sally woke up but she was in a forest. She panicked. She didn't know what to do. Sally could see some lights and started walking towards them. Once she reached there there was no light.
"Hey Sally, want to play" it was her puppet. Sally yelled "What are you doing here?! How do we get out?".

Sally was breathing heavily then screamed. She was back in her room now. Her grandparents rush in.
"Sally are you okay?" her grandpa asks.

Sally can't keep her mind off of the puppet at school.
"I guess I was mean to her. I'll say sorry and play with her and have fun!" Sally exclaims, while exiting her school.

Sally comes home and starts playing with the puppet.
"This is fun! I'm going to name you..." Sally thinks. The puppet interrupts Sally's thinking "My name is Brittany". Sally is surprised. Brittany was her mom's name.
"Your name is Brittany?" Sally questions.
"Yup! I was named after your mom" Brittany answers.

"Sally! Time to go to sleep." her grandma calls. Sally puts Brittany in the chest.
"I'll leave the lid open so you can breath." Sally goes to sleep. Brittany has a smirk on her face, "Yes, my plan is working" Brittany whispers.
Sally wakes up and checks on Brittany. Brittany's not in the chest! Sally runs downstairs to her grandma. Her grandma is playing with Brittany.
"Grandma! What are you doing?" Sally says worried.
"I'm just playing with your mom's puppet. Well, now it's your puppet.".
"Wait mom had that puppet before me?"
"Yes, she was shy like you but the puppet made her social."

Where's Brittany?

"Why are you awake? It's still 2:00. You should go back to sleep." her grandma says.
"Why are you awake then?" Sally questions.
"I was just practicing a performance for you. Here it goes". Her grandma does her show and Sally goes back to sleep.

Sally goes to sleep and immediately she is in a portal! Sally is freaked out!
"Hey, it's me. I'm right here. Look." a familiar voice whispers.
"Who is that?" Sally questions.

Where am I? Why is everything white?
Then Sally lands in the middle of nowhere. She's terrified!
"Hey! Sally I'm right here! Brittany! Your mom! The doll is evil don't play with her! Over here she can't take control over me. If you stop playing with her she'll feel left out and her spirit will die." Sally's mom warns Sally.

"Sally wake up now! It's time to eat breakfast! Just because it's Saturday doesn't mean that you can sleep the whole day!" her grandma calls.
"Is it already the morning?" Sally looks at her clock. It was 12:00. Was she really asleep for that long?
She remembers what her mom said. She takes Brittany out the chest. She tells her grandma she's going outside. Sally finds a shovel in the backyard and she digs a hole in the garden. She does it quick and places Brittany in the hole. Sally looks at her then buries her. Sally put the shovel back where it was and goes back inside.

"Hey grandma! What are you doing?" Sally asks
"I'm just sitting here. Why don't you go upstairs and play with the little puppet?" her grandma suggests. Sally doesn't know what to say.

Hey grandma! What are you doing?
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Sally is a very shy girl. She doesn't talk to anyone at school. Her parents past away in a car crash and ever since she has become very shy.
She lives with her grandparents. They've tried so much to try and get her to be more social. Today her grandma brings out a puppet she gave to Sally's mom when she was little.

Her grandma tries to make her play with the puppet.
"A toy? I not in the mood for toys." Sally sobbed. Her grandma was sad. She went upstairs to Sally's room and put the chest down.
- END >
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