Dear Reader,
This multigenre project explores the influence of the Black Church throughout American History on three distinct eras: Pre-Civil War, Post-Civil War, and the Civil Rights Movement. As this project explores those three eras, it in turn explores the Black Church’s influence on its members and surrounding communities as well.
This project has been set up as a family’s collection of artifacts, pictures, writings, poems, essays, etc. throughout several generations. Addison Harris, the girl who “wrote” the expository essay, and the final poem, is the most recent family member to contribute to the collection. As she continues to explore her relatives’ pasts, she contributes parts of her life as well.
I hope you enjoy this project and learn more along the way.
Hannah Raezer
Harriet Harris (1760-1812)
December 14, 1790
To my family so you may never forget your history and that you may never forget your God. I start this book of memories and artifacts so you may know and remember.
Hello, my name is Harriet Harris. I am married to James Harris, and we have two children. Mary is 5. Chris is 3. We are slaves to the Harris family. They are kind masters who treat us as best as they can. I was born and raised here on their plantation. My parents were delivered here in their youth. The Harris family has not always been kind to my family. When my parents arrived, the Harris family was cruel and harsh. But one day, they learned about the gospel, and they began to change. As time went on, they became more loving and filled with mercy, joy, and grace.
By the time I was born in 1760, they treated me with loving kindness. When I was a little girl, they taught me to read and write using the Bible. They taught me about Jesus and his perfect love for me. Jesus, who is both God and man, came down to do what I could not. Jesus came, lived a perfect life, and died in my place. Because I am a sinner, I deserved that death on a cross. My death would have been eternal, but Jesus rose again. Jesus defeated death and won victory for me because he loves me. Because of what he has done for me, I am free. I may be a slave in this world, but I am free of my sins. I am free from death. My Lord is so good.
I am not saying everything is perfect in this world. Do not be fooled. Yes, my Lord is good, and my masters are kinder than most; however, this world is so full of hatred and death. Do not be fooled by innocence or naivety. This is a dark world, and you must be cautious of its tricks. I have lived long enough to know hardships and pain. I have seen friends murdered for sport and loved ones treated like their worth is less than dirt all because of our color. Do not ever give into their words or their hatred. Do not ever take their hatred to heart. Do not ever mirror their actions or retaliate in evil ways. We must fight back with love and kindness. We must have hope in our freedom that Jesus brings. Our God is working now in Andrew Bryan, our brother in Christ. By the grace of God he has started a church, The Fist African Baptist Church of Savannah, just for us. We can worship Jesus and not be in fear. Sing with all your might and dance like King David praising God. In times like this, we see hope.
Like our ancestors oppressed in ancient Egypt, we know the Lord hears our prayers and listens to our cries. He moves and comforts us because He cares for us.
I love you, my family, and I pray the Lord bless you and keep you. Be alert, but do not lose hope, heart, or faith.
With all my love,
Every day we face oppression
For nothing we have done.
I wonder how we could worship the same loving God,
The one who sent the Son.
Jesus, both man and God,
Came to take on the debt of every sinful soul.
That means me, that means them,
That means humanity as a whole.
So my struggle lies in how such hatred
Can be claimed as godly and justified
When I know my God is the God
Of everlasting, unconditional love both deep and wide.
The devil is at work,
Whispering evil lies
In the hearts of our oppressors
Hoping to bring their and my demise.
Wrestling for Hope
For he’s fighting a lost war
The curtain has torn in two.
We have been set free.
Through Christ we are made new.
Our battle is not against flesh and blood.
I know they are not to blame.
They’re all wicked sinners; I’m a wicked sinner,
But Christ dies for us all the same.
I hope someday we’ll all meet again
Free from tainted ideology
Where we can bask in the glory of our Father
For an eternity of peace and equality

John Harris (1830-1905)


Today we realize earthly freedom.
Today we realize our deliverance.
The dawn of a new day
Orange, yellow, pick, and purple swirls dance in the never-ending sky
Fresh blueberries
Sweet and tangy, popping in my mouth
Drops of dew
Crisp and earthy found on every flower and blade of grass
Chirping in harmonious song
Dirt, grass, and sun
Squishy beneath my feet; small, tickling my toes; warmth hugging
every member of my body
Pillars of cloud and fire
Whiteish-gray and fluffy; blazing crimson, orange and blue
Steadfast and life-giving, falling from the heavens
Wispy and smoky wafting through the air
Loud, of acclamation
Cool and refreshing down my gullet
Broken and sharp, covered in orange-reddish splotchy rust from misuse
Wonderful and rested; absent from the bitterness of blood and saltiness of both sweat and tears
Lemon, wood, mint
Tart; freshly cut; tangy
Final words
“It is finished.”
For the first time
Today we realize earthly freedom.
Today we celebrate deliverance.
Pharaoh, don't refuse.
For Yahweh's hand is mighty.
Let my people go!

Millie Harris (1900-1970)

Theodore (Teddy) Harris (1930-1990)

My brothers and sisters,
I implore you to reconsider your stance on the march from Selma to Montgomery in March. We must not sit back idly waiting for change to happen while our brothers and sisters are marching for freedom, justice, and equality. We need to stand behind them and support them.
These marches are not violent or crude. They practice civil disobedience as proven effective by Gandhi in India several years ago. Peacefully standing together showing our strength and humanity in numbers. We will march like our ancestors, the Israelites marched out of Egypt and around the walls of Jericho. This is our calling. This is our time act in faith, and our Lord will deliver.
Some of you claim the march an unsafe place to be, that you or your loved ones will surely be hurt in the process. To this I rebut, there is no safer place than in the middle of God’s will. Look again at the Israelites in the wilderness in Numbers thirteen and fourteen. Twelve spies were sent to assess the situation in the land of Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey, a land of which the God who delivered them out of Egypt promised to them. Here, they saw strong people and fortified cities and ten of the twelve were terrified.
They said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we areThe land, through which we have gone to spy it out, is a land that devours its inhabitant, and all the people that we saw in it are of great height” (Numbers 13: 31a-32, ESV). Despite the fear of the ten, two of the men, Caleb and Joshua said, “The land, which we passed through to spy it out, is an exceedingly good land. If the Lord delights in us, he will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land that flows with milk and honey. Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not fear the people of the land, for they are bread for us. Their protection is removed from them, and the Lord is with us; do not fear them” (Numbers 14:7a-9).
Who showed greater faith? What happened to the Israelites? You surely know. None of the Israelites who saw the Lord’s wonders in Egypt or in the wilderness were able to enter the promised land of Canaan because of their continuous doubt of their Lord—except for Caleb and Joshua who stepped out in faith in the Lord’s power and goodness. My friends, let us learn from the examples of those who came before us. This is just one example of many we have in the Word of God.
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Dear Reader,
This multigenre project explores the influence of the Black Church throughout American History on three distinct eras: Pre-Civil War, Post-Civil War, and the Civil Rights Movement. As this project explores those three eras, it in turn explores the Black Church’s influence on its members and surrounding communities as well.
This project has been set up as a family’s collection of artifacts, pictures, writings, poems, essays, etc. throughout several generations. Addison Harris, the girl who “wrote” the expository essay, and the final poem, is the most recent family member to contribute to the collection. As she continues to explore her relatives’ pasts, she contributes parts of her life as well.
I hope you enjoy this project and learn more along the way.
Hannah Raezer
Harriet Harris (1760-1812)
December 14, 1790
To my family so you may never forget your history and that you may never forget your God. I start this book of memories and artifacts so you may know and remember.
Hello, my name is Harriet Harris. I am married to James Harris, and we have two children. Mary is 5. Chris is 3. We are slaves to the Harris family. They are kind masters who treat us as best as they can. I was born and raised here on their plantation. My parents were delivered here in their youth. The Harris family has not always been kind to my family. When my parents arrived, the Harris family was cruel and harsh. But one day, they learned about the gospel, and they began to change. As time went on, they became more loving and filled with mercy, joy, and grace.
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