Leader: Stonestar- solid gray tom with yellow eyes
Medic: Snowybreeze- fluffy white she-cat with blue eyes
Leafripple- light brown tom
Deputy: Darkfur- black tabby tom with yellow eyes
Honeypool- soft brown she-cat
Fireblaze- orange tabby she-cat with green eyes
Shadebranch- tortoiseshell she-cat with dark eyes
Smalltail- brown and white speckled tom with a half tail
Berrywhisker- black and white tom with amber eyes
Brightpelt- dark brown tom with tan spots
Mousetail- dark brown tabby
Ashheart- speckled gray she-cat
Feathersight- white tom
Dewpaw- black she-cat with white on her chest
Dawnpaw- gray and white she-cat
Amberpaw- bright-eyed ginger she-cat
Springpaw- light brown tabby tom
Pigeonclaw- soft gray she-cat (mate Brightpelt)
Poppylight- tall brown she-cat
Chapter 1
Amberpaw snapped open her eyes in her nest. She had had a bad dream about Springpaw, her litter mate, dying in a pool of blood.
"Get up, sleepy head! We're apprentices now!" There was Springpaw, happy as ever.
"Okay, okay." she grumbled. "In a minute."
"But we need to go on a dawn patrol!" That woke up Amberpaw. "Got it!" She rose, shaking off the bits of moss that clung to her. Then she went off to find her mentor, Berrywhisker.
"Come on, Amberpaw! The patrol won't wait any longer!"
"I'm coming!" she snapped at her brother, "Sorry,"
"It's okay, but let's go"
The two cats ran off to find the dawn patrol. It consisted of Honeypool, them, Feathersight, and their mentors. The cats walked down to the ravine, which
led to Water-clan. They walked along Light-clan's border and renewed the scent markers.
"Me and Fireblaze decided to train you two together in hunting techniques." Berrywhisker said as the cats neared sandy hollow.
"Great! When?"
"Now." They split off, going to the sandy hollow with Fireblaze and Springpaw.
"First, you crouch down like this. Keep you hunches down and your tail out and not touching the leaves. Like this." Fireblaze talked as he demonstrated.
Amberpaw immediately crouched down, and Berrywhisker said,
"Put you're tail up and all the weight in you're hunches."
The cats practiced the move all day, and apprentices got it all right.
"We'd better head back to camp." Berrywhisker said, observing the sun. "You two deserve a good meal."
Once the cats got home, Amberpaw and Springpaw shared a squirrel.
Feathersight came over and said, "Amberpaw, can I speak to you?"
"Sure," she said, confused.
"Never mind, I don't want to get mixed up with a filthy half-clan cat like you!"
He stalked away, growling under his breath. Amberpaw started up after him, but Springpaw held her down. "You can't go after him, it's just what he wants.
"But what does he mean, Springpaw! I'm not a half-clan!" Amberpaw asked.
"I think we should ask Mousetail. She'll know." The two cats walked over to their mother, who had just come back from a patrol. Amberpaw repeated her question to her mother, and Mousetail said, "Well, he is right. Your father is descended from the ancient Echostar. She was a rouge before."
"But how does that make me and Amberpaw half-clan?" Springpaw questioned.
"It makes you half-clan because Darkfur was a rouge before he joined. Why your clanmates bully you about it now, I don't know. But just because you're half-clan doesn't make you half a warrior."
"Okay, Mousetail."
"Now your mentors are calling you. Go talk to them."
Amberpaw and Springpaw made their way over to Berrywhisker and Fireblaze, and Berrywhisker said,"About time! We are going to practice battle moves." The warriors made their way over to sandy hollow, where they showed the apprentices the front paw blow.
"This is a frontal attack," Berrywhisker said, "With sheathed claws, bring your paw down on your opponents head. Amberpaw, watch me do it to Fireblaze, then you try it on your brother." The cats practiced until sunhigh, then they went hunting near the ravine. "You two are doing well." Berrywhisker praised.
"You can go to the gathering tonight. Better get some sleep."
Chapter 2
Amberpaw and Springpaw walked over to Darktail, who was talking with Honeypool. Springpaw said "Darkfur, can you tell us how we need to act at the gathering?"
"Okay. Honeypool, can this wait? Thanks. Now, you need to make sure to not give away anything about the clan, but don't sound too mysteries. Then the other clans think we have something to hide. Is that clear enough?"
"Yes, thanks Darkfur!"
"Of course, Amberpaw. Make sure to stay together!"
The apprentices hopped over to Dawnpaw and Dewpaw. "Hey guys! Is this your first gathering? What is it like?" Springpaw asked.
"Calm down. No, it's not our first gathering, and why don't you find out? We're here!"
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Leader: Stonestar- solid gray tom with yellow eyes
Medic: Snowybreeze- fluffy white she-cat with blue eyes
Leafripple- light brown tom
Deputy: Darkfur- black tabby tom with yellow eyes
Honeypool- soft brown she-cat
Fireblaze- orange tabby she-cat with green eyes
Shadebranch- tortoiseshell she-cat with dark eyes
Smalltail- brown and white speckled tom with a half tail
Berrywhisker- black and white tom with amber eyes
Brightpelt- dark brown tom with tan spots
Mousetail- dark brown tabby
Ashheart- speckled gray she-cat
Feathersight- white tom
Dewpaw- black she-cat with white on her chest
Dawnpaw- gray and white she-cat
Amberpaw- bright-eyed ginger she-cat
Springpaw- light brown tabby tom
Pigeonclaw- soft gray she-cat (mate Brightpelt)
Poppylight- tall brown she-cat
Chapter 1
Amberpaw snapped open her eyes in her nest. She had had a bad dream about Springpaw, her litter mate, dying in a pool of blood.
"Get up, sleepy head! We're apprentices now!" There was Springpaw, happy as ever.
"Okay, okay." she grumbled. "In a minute."
"But we need to go on a dawn patrol!" That woke up Amberpaw. "Got it!" She rose, shaking off the bits of moss that clung to her. Then she went off to find her mentor, Berrywhisker.
"Come on, Amberpaw! The patrol won't wait any longer!"
"I'm coming!" she snapped at her brother, "Sorry,"
"It's okay, but let's go"
The two cats ran off to find the dawn patrol. It consisted of Honeypool, them, Feathersight, and their mentors. The cats walked down to the ravine, which
- END >
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