Accomplishment Books

  • Grandpa, What Did You Do When You Were Little Without A Phone?
    When he was little and before there were mobile phones, grandpa found many ways to live an interesting life.
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  • Dream Big Bessie!
    This book tells the inspiring story of Bessie Coleman, the first licensed African American female aviator in the United States, and her journey to achieve her dream of becomi…
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  • A Short Story
    Two roosters, Benedict and Poachey, invest in chicken feed and hay respectively. While Poachey becomes rich, Benedict loses money. However, Benedict realizes that horses eat …
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  • Mandela's Civil Rights Fight
    This book provides a biography of Nelson Mandela, his early life, conflicts, advocacy, accomplishments, and how he is remembered.
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  • Finding My Voice Autism Through My Eyes
    Learn about autism through the eyes of a middle school child who lives with it day to day.
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    The life and accomplishments of George Washington, from his birth to his presidency and retirement.
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  • Cleopatra VII
    The story of Cleopatra, her rise to power, leadership style, major accomplishments, monuments and building projects, battles and conquests, and family life.
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  • Woman’s day!
    Clover decides to clean and decorate her messy room with the help of her friend Jack.
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