Acting Books

  • Ariana Grande
    All of this book is about Ariana Grande and I don't copyright anything. Thanks for reading!
    Eye Icon 1552
    Star Icon 50
  • How Pigs Got Their Curly Tails
    A funny twist on how pigs came to get their cute little curly tails.
    Eye Icon 27683
    Star Icon 990
  • Emma Watson
    The story follows Emma Watson's life and career, from her early acting roles in Harry Potter to her activism and achievements as a UN Goodwill Ambassador.
    Eye Icon 377
    Star Icon 40
  • Grumpy Cat gets an Acting Job
    Grumpy Cat reluctantly gets a job as an actor, but he dislikes his roles and causes trouble on set. He is eventually fired and returns home happily.
    Eye Icon 443
    Star Icon 20
  • Emma  Watson
    The story follows Emma Watson's life and career, from her early acting roles to her activism and achievements as a UN Goodwill Ambassador.
    Eye Icon 282
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  • Cat and the Rat
    A rat that get cornered by a cat and escapes by rearranging the letters in his name to change shapes.
    Eye Icon 11727
    Star Icon 395
  • Pudgie Polar Bear
    A lonely polar bear who finds friendship and love in a very unexpected way.
    Eye Icon 2862
    Star Icon 109
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