My Published Books (15)

  • How a lonely dog named "Highway" finds a safe, loving home. (Based on a true story)
    by Shannon Kelley Pattee
    Eye Icon 46777
    Star Icon 1832
  • With a roll and a bounce this wind blown pumpkin takes an unexpected journey.
    by Shannon Kelley Pattee
    Eye Icon 20268
    Star Icon 494
  • Animal awareness, character building, responsibility & community involvement is what "Shelter Souls" is all about. Everyone deserves a loving home! Let's all do our part to help. :)
    by Shannon Kelley Pattee
    Eye Icon 97241
    Star Icon 4513
  • Inspiration for the Artist in all of us! Excellent opening tool for Educators, Parents and those needing a nudge to tap in to their creativity.
    by Shannon Kelley Pattee
    Eye Icon 42651
    Star Icon 1200
  • A fun message to adults told from a child's perspective.
    by Shannon Kelley Pattee
    Eye Icon 37697
    Star Icon 1379
  • Meet "Sprout"- A loveable little kitty who warmed his way into the hearts of a friendly family of dogs.
    by Shannon Kelley Pattee
    Eye Icon 16075
    Star Icon 1062
  • A poem about the importance of friendship and seeing beyond differences, encouraging open-mindedness and kindness.
    by Shannon Kelley Pattee
    Eye Icon 13296
    Star Icon 537
  • A Kangaroo who finally meets her match and changes her bullying ways.
    by Shannon Kelley Pattee
    Eye Icon 6675
    Star Icon 276
  • A child searches for their mischievous shadow before Christmas, encountering clues and festive chaos along the way.
    by Shannon Kelley Pattee
    Eye Icon 4970
    Star Icon 356
  • A playful poem about a child's love for macaroni and cheese, with various food combinations suggested.
    by Shannon Kelley Pattee
    Eye Icon 1544
    Star Icon 155
  • Original acrylic paintings by Ken Hoover using Impasto style to create beautiful works of art.
    by Shannon Kelley Pattee
    Eye Icon 506
    Star Icon 60
  • A rambunctious young snake learns a big lesson from showing off.
    by Shannon Kelley Pattee
    Eye Icon 1766
    Star Icon 119
  • A lonely polar bear who finds friendship and love in a very unexpected way.
    by Shannon Kelley Pattee
    Eye Icon 2862
    Star Icon 109
  • A rhyming story about the importance of the American flag and unity in the family, with a message of freedom and respect.
    by Shannon Kelley Pattee
    Eye Icon 1207
    Star Icon 96
  • The little church who holds true to his faith even through the worst of storms.
    by Shannon Kelley Pattee
    Eye Icon 889
    Star Icon 84

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