Aspiration Books

  • Artists Aspirations
    A collection of quotes from young artists about their inspirations, techniques, and aspirations in various art forms.
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  • Aspiration
    The story is a collection of life lessons and motivational thoughts, encouraging readers to embrace their individuality, strive for their goals, and maintain a positive outlo…
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  • When I grow up
    A rhyming and empowering story about a child's dreams and aspirations, showcasing various career options and emphasizing the limitless possibilities for girls.
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  • Super English Teacher
    Diego Duma, a 7th-grade student at Manuela Cañizares School, shares his aspiration to become an English teacher because of his love for children and teaching the language.
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  • The Little Cowboy
    A young boy named Raylon wants to be just like his cowboy father, Travis, and learns various skills from him.
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  • Caden and the NFL Museum
    Caden learns about football at the NFL Hall of Fame museum and plays with his family in the backyard.
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    A boy dreams of becoming a great Fortnite player and seeks the help of a legendary player, Myth, to improve his skills.
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  • When I Grow Up by Ms. Alexander's First Grade Class 2020-2021
    A collection of short narratives from children expressing their future career aspirations, ranging from photographers to doctors. Each child explains why they chose their pro…
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