My Published Books (2)

  • the book is for our sister cities in Cuba. It tells about what we do in our town.Add a description for this book...
    by Beth Smith
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  • A collection of quotes from young artists about their inspirations, techniques, and aspirations in various art forms.
    by Beth Smith
    Eye Icon 379
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My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • the book is for our sister cities in Cuba. It tells about what we do in our town.Add a description for this book...
    by Beth Smith
    Eye Icon 16
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  • the book is for our sister cities in Cuba. It tells about what we do in our town.Add a description for this book...
    by Beth Smith
    Eye Icon 29
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  • the book is for our sister cities in Cuba. It tells about what we do in our town. It is also published in Spanish for the Cubans.Add a description for this book...
    by Beth Smith
    Eye Icon 12
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