Book Release Books

  • More Book Release Dates
    A series of short stories featuring Ryan, a hero who saves the princess and faces various challenges. Includes bonus features and encounters with an inkling.
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  • World Changers
    Come along with me to see what it means to be a climate activist and a world changer. Together we can live in a better world.
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  • the Release Book
    Shellfire17 shares upcoming releases, including cartoon Animal World 2, World of Superheros 2, How to catch a Croc 2, Alien Invasion 2, and more.
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  • It is Not Your Fault !
    Woody, a young beaver, navigates the challenges of leaving home due to his father's anger. With the help of a frog, bees, and a woodpecker, he learns to manage his emotions a…
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  • All about Fortnite
    An informative book about the popular video game Fortnite, including its release date, player count, popularity, facts, and weapon rankings.
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  • N.B. Youth Poet Contest
    A collection of children's poems, each with its unique theme and style. The poems encourage self-love, appreciation of nature, hope, and creativity. They are beautifully illu…
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  • Happy Summer everyone! =D
    The narrator expresses excitement for summer and mentions activities like pool parties and BBQs. They also apologize for a delayed book release.
  • Isaac and the Catapult
    Isaac, a curious porcupine, builds a catapult to save the world from ending. He launches himself and his friends into space, where they live happily ever after.
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