Branding Books

  • Somthing New!
    I made some more advanced pictures to make it more intresting.
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  • BIg Baller Brand VS NIke
    A story about the rivalry between Nike and Big Baller Brand, and how Nike overcomes challenges to regain its dominance in the sports industry.
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  • Branding & Logo
    This book provides information about branding, company logos, and the impact of social media. It also showcases iconic logos from various industries.
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  • NIKE
    The story provides a brief history of Nike Inc., including its origins, key figures, and milestones. It also touches on employee benefits and the company's marketing strategi…
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  • Evaluation Question 2
    The author discusses the importance of small details in creating a brand identity for a movie, using examples from a trailer, poster, and magazine cover.
  • Arcade spirit
    A description of a new brand called 'Arcade Spirit' that aims to provide entertainment and a safe environment for people of all ages.
  • LOGO'S
    This book discusses branding, company logos, and social media profiles. It provides examples of logos with hidden meanings.
  • Wild About Mustangs
    This book provides information about mustangs, including their origin, traits, history, and current status. It also includes fun facts and a glossary.
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