Campfire Books

  • The Campfire Mystery
    I hope this mystery book is appealing to the readers. It is about four campers who have a not so normal night in the woods. Pay close attention to the pictures and try to ans…
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  • Hey Kids! Are you ready to FruVe up your day? Join Jack on his adventure at camp, where he has many new experiences and learns to make healthy choices, which help him "FruVe …
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  • Campfire Stories.
    The 5 girls Ashlyn, Charlotte, Ella, Emma and Ava went camping one night they told each other campfire stories answer the questions and put them in the comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
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  • The Dream Catcher
    A story I wrote, to help my granddaughters fall asleep without fear of bad dreams. They have told me "It worked!" ...they woke up the next morning having had a nice dream.
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  • Patty Peanut The Elephant
    Patty Peanut, a curious elephant, goes on an exciting camping adventure with the help of her friend Ruby Red Bird.
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  • My Family Camping Trip
    A child describes their annual camping trip with their family, including activities, swimming in the lake, campfire conversations, and returning home to their cats.
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  • Halloween at Grandma's
    A child describes their plans for Halloween at their Grandma's house, including dressing up, playing games, carving pumpkins, and making s'mores.
  • Stephanie & Laurel
    This is the first in a series of Stories - more to come!
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