Character Change Books

  • Becoming Bella
    Written for my young daughter (my 1st ever go at writing down a story!). I wanted the story to have the message of 'change is OK' as everyone experience changes as we grow.
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    Star Icon 1934
  • Green Eggs and Ham
    A persistent character named Sam-I-am tries to convince the narrator to try green eggs and ham, leading to a surprising change of heart.
  • The Bad Guys Trailer
    A character tired of being seen as a bad guy decides to change and get noticed as a good guy, but soon realizes that trouble follows him everywhere.
    Eye Icon 307
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  • Climate Change
    A conversation between two characters about climate change, its causes, effects, and possible solutions.
    Eye Icon 43
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  • The History of Nintendo
    This book is about the history of main Nintendo consoles and events.
    Eye Icon 771
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  • Because of Green
    The story celebrates the color green and its significance in nature, culture, and everyday life.
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  • How to Play Minecraft
    An introduction to the game Minecraft, including gameplay mechanics, monsters, weapons, armor, skins, minerals, crafting, and mods.
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    This story is an informative piece about climate change, its effects on the environment, and how humans can help mitigate these effects. It personifies Climate Change as a ch…
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