Chess Books

  • Chess
    A brief history of chess and an introduction to the different chess pieces and their movements.
  • The Brilliant Adventures of Class 5C
    Class 5C gets teleported to different universes based on their abilities. They have adventures in history, basketball, video games, tech, piano, gym, toys, horse riding, art,…
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  • Check Mate
    Life can be difficult at times. If we try to remember that todays characters are not tomorrows. We are changing and growing and moving. Always move forward and you will be fi…
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  • Chess
    A book that introduces chess, covering rules, pieces, cool variations, history, and a glossary.
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  • Rules of the Game
    Waverly, a young chess prodigy, becomes tired of the game and rebels against her mother's expectations.
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  • S'MORE of
    From all of me to all of you I give s'more of myself. My thoughts on paper. The words come to me and I must write them, sing them, draw them. They are because they must be he…
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  • The Dragon and the Boys
    This is a story of two friends who want to cross a forest to get to their other friend's village. But, will they pass the dragon?
    An informational book about chess, covering the rules, pieces, strategies, special moves, openings, and types of chess games.
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