Contest Ideas Books

  • N.B. Youth Poet Contest
    A collection of children's poems, each with its unique theme and style. The poems encourage self-love, appreciation of nature, hope, and creativity. They are beautifully illu…
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  • Kennel Contests!
    A book about dog-themed contests, including current and upcoming contests, contest results, and a call for contest ideas. Encourages readers to join the StoryJumper Kennel Cl…
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  • The Sisters of Muffin Manor (Halloween Mystery)
    The Sisters of Muffin Manor are back with a Halloween adventure full of fun and mystery! Book #2 in the series.
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  • The Poem Machine
    Annabeth and her friend Saima use a haiku generator for a poetry contest, but Annabeth accidentally submits a comedic haiku instead of Saima's poetic one. They switch poems, …
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  • ...A Note For You...
    "Dear Best friend... a Note For You..." 2 Best friends Made a promise at 6 that they will always be friends & they Will never ever leave each other sides but that changes…
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    Cate Ross is a creative 8 year old girl who loves to paint. After she wins an art contest at her school, Cate finds herself being magically pulled into her painting of New Yo…
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  • The Lazy Boy's Lesson
    Thank you to all the readers. I appreciate your time reading "The Lazy Boy's Lesson". Please leave your comments or feedbacks. Have a good one!
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  • The Crazy Quarantine
    First graders wrote about their experience with being quarantined due to Covid 19.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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