Cumulative Books

  • This is a barn...
    A cumulative story about Jack building a barn and the animals that interact with it.
  • Miss Jungling's 12 Days of Kindergarten
    A cumulative story about a kindergartener receiving gifts from their teacher each day.
  • The story of the dyslexic duckling
    A little duckling with dyslexia overcomes challenges at school with the help of a swan teacher and returns to his farm triumphant.
  • The Twelve Days of Christmas
    A cumulative song about the gifts given on each of the twelve days of Christmas.
  • Text Reflections
    A guide for math teachers, covering topics such as classroom environment, productive talk, assessment, and helping students with disabilities.
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  • Personal Health
    The book is a comprehensive guide on maintaining overall health and wellness for teenagers. It covers physical, mental/emotional, and social wellbeing, the influence of lifes…
  • The Duck Town Hero
    A clumsy duck and his mom are banished from their village to protect it from hunters. They learn to use the duck's loud quack as a weapon and save the village.
  • Timmy gets lost
    Timmy, a 12-year-old boy with social anxiety, gets lost on July 4th in New York. He trusts a stranger named Jeremy to help him get home and learns the importance of trust and…
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