Emotional Support Books

  • Samson the Emotional Support Dog
    Samson, an emotional support dog, helps his human Charlie with social anxiety. They explain the differences between service dogs and emotional support dogs.
  • Burly the Emotional Support Dog Learns about the Mental Health Care System
    This informative piece discusses the history, types, problems, and potential solutions of mental health in the U.S. It also explains the role of emotional support animals in …
  • Service Animals
    This story introduces different types of service animals and their roles in assisting people with various needs.
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  • Ella listens with Empathy
    Alex's teddy bear gets broken at school, but Ella helps him fix it and offers emotional support.
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  • Rich In Love
    A personal memoir about a Chinese refugee and immigrant experience, with family stories, historical context, and reflections on identity and resilience.
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  • R A B I Y A
    The story follows the journey of Ms. Rabiya Mateo, a beauty pageant contestant, as she faces challenges, finds emotional support, and learns to adapt to society's expectation…
  • Just Wasn't Right
    This story is about the author's personal journey through addiction, heartbreak, and grief. It explores the challenges and emotions associated with these experiences.
  • Mrs. Hutson's Family Book
    This story describes a family's members, functions, and traditions, highlighting their activities and the meaning of family to the author.
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