Epilepsy Books

  • I Have Absence Epilepsy
    Join Molly on this fun children's guide to Absence Epilepsy!
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  • Overcoming Epilepsy
    This is a book about epilepsy and how Oscar has to overcome it, obviously its in the name.
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  • The life of Cameron Boyce
    This is a biography of Cameron Boyce, an actor and humanitarian. It covers his early life, career, activism, and legacy.
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  • Understanding Olivia
    Olivia, a first-grade student with epilepsy, receives support from her classmates and teacher to ensure her safety and inclusion at school.
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  • Baby?
    A family neglects their newborn baby, who later develops epilepsy and passes away. The family learns from their mistake.
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  • THE STRONGEST --by Samantha Wang
    A young girl's journey with epilepsy and her family's efforts to raise awareness and funds for research.
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  • Noah and his tale of epilepsy
    Noah struggles with sleep and has a seizure. He goes to the doctor, gets medicine, and learns to accept his condition.
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  • A Trip to the Doctors
    Jessica experiences a seizure and is diagnosed with epilepsy. The doctor explains the condition, treatment options, and lifestyle changes to manage it.
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