Existential Books

  • The Existential Adventures of Jackie
    Jackie, a boy who always followed Lego instructions, learns to build creatively and independently with the help of his teacher and brother.
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  • Kobe Bryant L. Lorenzo III-8 BSSE
    A reflection on the pressures of society and existential questions, with a quote from Nietzsche.
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  • Mathematical Symbols with Short History
    A brief history of mathematical symbols and their origins.
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  • '' Better Environment, Better Tomorrow ''
    This book is about an international e-Twinning project called 'Future is in Our Hands' that aims to create awareness of climate change for a better future. It discusses the c…
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  • The about Jesus
    The story is a spiritual reflection on the New Year, emphasizing the potential for personal renewal and change through faith in Jesus Christ. It discusses the universal desir…
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  • Society Controlled Ivan Ilyich's life
    The story follows Ivan Ilyich, a man who seeks social status and wealth but is confronted with his mortality after an accident. His relationships deteriorate as he faces phys…
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  • Christina and the Birthday Party
    Christina, a farmer, learns about kindness and love from her neighbor Kelly, who practices Christianity, Hinduism, and Totemism. They throw a surprise birthday party for Eddy…
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  • topic about anxiety
    An overview of anxiety, its types, symptoms, and effects on the body.
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