Fasting Books

  • Jewish High Holidays
    An informative book that introduces the Jewish high holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, explaining their significance, traditions, and customs.
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  • Welcome Ramadan
    This is a story about four friends who learn about the Islamic tradition of Ramadan. They navigate through the month, learning about fasting, prayer, and the importance of ch…
  • The Five Pillars of Islam
    An informative book about the five pillars of Islam, including their meanings and significance in the religion. It also provides basic facts about Islam.
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  • Eid-Al-Fitr in Pakistan
    This book is about the way Eid-Al-Fitr, an Islamic Holiday is celebrated in Pakistan.
  • the month of ramadan
    Zarah explains the traditions and significance of Ramadan, including fasting, family meals, and the celebration of Eid-Al Fiter.
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  • A Book About Ramadan
    A story about the Islamic holiday of Ramadan, its significance, and the practices observed during this month.
    by MRJO
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  • رمضان كريم
    Safa describes her experiences during the last day of Ramadan, including fasting, giving to the poor, praying, and preparing for Hajj.
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  • All About Ramadan
    A brief explanation of the significance and practices of Ramadan, including fasting, prayer, and reading the Quran.
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