My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • A child moves into a new house and feels like something is missing. They realize that although it's their house, it doesn't feel like home yet.
    by Eshal Zehra
  • Zarah explains the traditions and significance of Ramadan, including fasting, family meals, and the celebration of Eid-Al Fiter.
    by Eshal Zehra
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  • Lia, Maya, and Sarah are classmates. Sarah bullies Lia and Maya for looking different until their teacher, Miss Rogers, intervenes and teaches Sarah a lesson about acceptance.
    by Eshal Zehra
  • this book is dedecated to umam mehdi the imam of our time who is in ghaibah and we cant recognize him.
    by Eshal Zehra
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  • A list of fruits from A to Z, with brief comments on each one. The narrator expresses curiosity and enthusiasm about trying new fruits.
    by Eshal Zehra
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  • by Eshal Zehra
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  • A child expresses their aspirations to be a teacher, pilot, police officer, artist, and seamstress. They also reflect on the difficulty of choosing a future career.
    by Eshal Zehra
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