Food Pyramid Books

  • The Food Pyramid
    Foody the food pyramid teaches children about the different food groups and the importance of a healthy diet.
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  • Survival Science: An Interactive Book about Ecosystems and Animal Adaptations
    This book is about survival science. It explains topics like ecosystems, the food pyramid, photosynthesis, symbiosis, the cascade effect, animal adaptation, and more. It also…
  • Healthy Living Activities For Children
    Excellent for educators of preschool/elementary age students. A book of suggested children activities to inspire awareness in achieving a healthier lifestyle. Written by a …
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  • Understanding the Food Pyramid
    Eun explores the forest and learns about the food chain, trophic levels, and how plants get their energy from the sun.
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  • Superman Sam: The Food Pyramid Journey
    Superman Sam educates children about healthy eating habits through a fun and informative journey on the Food Pyramid.
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  • Lucy's Healthy Choices- Part one
    Lucy loves to dance and learns about healthy eating from her teacher. She goes shopping and learns about the food pyramid, calcium, fiber, and vitamins.
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  • Derek's Food Adventure
    Derek the Elephant goes on an adventure with his mother to learn about the food pyramid and the importance of a balanced diet.
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  • Gowing Big and Strong
    Nutrition and how to teach children the proper amount of food they should be eating each day.
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