Foods Books

    Terry meets a new unexpected friend while visiting his grandmother's house for the summer.
    Eye Icon 24537
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  • Life Without Food
    A book to inspire people to support Feed My Starving Children, an organization that sends food to hungry children all over the world.
    Eye Icon 1858
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  • Healthy Food
    The story introduces different types of food and categorizes them as healthy or unhealthy. It also includes pictures of unhealthy food.
    Eye Icon 3560
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  • Apple's Perfect Picnic
    This imaginative book uses relatable foods to send the message of inclusion while creating awareness and appreciation for all food groups.
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  • Maria's Food Adventure Aventura de Comida de
    Maria learns to try new foods and discovers a love for broccoli, leading to a change in her eating habits.
    Eye Icon 358
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  • Bread: An Epic Food Battle
    a kind of old comic book I made up as I went- the end is a little weird, but I'm proud of it anyway :P
    Eye Icon 1040
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  • Tiny's Big Journey
    After being rescued from a hole, Tiny, a Loggerhead Sea Turtle hatchling, struggles to find the perfect habitat-one with all of her basic needs.
    This book will help intro…
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  • The Ocean Food Chain
    A description of the food chain in the ocean, from phytoplankton to carnivores, emphasizing the importance of survival.
    Eye Icon 1680
    Star Icon 8
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