Fostering Books

  • Foster Cats Kids edition!!
    A story about a foster cat finding a forever home, with messages of love and gratitude towards the rescue organization.
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    On a dark and rainy night, a basket of kittens is left on Fraser's doorstep. When he decides to bring the kittens inside his life is changed forever.
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  • Bubbles Big Surprise
    Bubbles the white friendly rabbit was enjoying life in Hawaii with Ms. Hinds and their many adventures together. His wish for a forever home had come true. He didn't think th…
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  • Picturing Writing: Fostering Literacy through Art
    examples of student work that stems from a Picturing Writing class, which was sponsored by ND Council on the Arts
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  • Rigby's Rescue
    The story of how we were able to get a rescue cat even though we have a family member with allergies.
  • The Dog
    Jessie's determination to prove her responsibility leads to her fostering a dog, which ultimately results in her getting her own dog as an early birthday present.
  • Cutie Pies
    A girl recounts her family's experiences with various guinea pigs, including fostering and losing one, before finally getting their own.
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  • Infancy: Birth to 12 months
    Infants go through cognitive and language development, reaching milestones like object permanence and babbling. Caregivers play a crucial role in fostering these milestones.
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