Job Simulator Books

  • Oculus Quest : VR
    Sophie shares her thoughts on the best VR headset in 2019, focusing on Oculus Quest and popular games like Beat Saber and Vader Immortal.
  • All about vr
    An introduction to different types of VR headsets and a basic setup guide. It also recommends some games and advises on online safety.
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  • freddy fazbears pizzaria simulator day 1
    A young employee at a pizzeria is tasked with making money after their competitor burns down. They buy a music man and celebrate.
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  • Pilot,Co-Pilot, & Flight engineer
    A brief overview of the life and responsibilities of a pilot, including training, job duties, and personal experiences.
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  • Computer Engineering
    Jim, a computer engineer, shares his daily routine and the importance of his job.
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  • My Life
    A 13-year-old boy named Michael shares details about his life, family, hobbies, and future plans.
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  • The Atomic Journey
    A class goes on a time-traveling field trip to learn about famous scientists and their discoveries.
  • See More
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