My Published Books (1)

  • Sophie introduces and provides information about the Nintendo Switch, its features, history, and success.
    by Sophie Wang-Evans
    Eye Icon 455
    Star Icon 33

My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • Sophie introduces Minecraft and provides information about its gameplay, modes, popularity, and creative potential.
    by Sophie Wang-Evans
    Eye Icon 502
    Star Icon 41
  • An introduction to the video game Splatoon 2, including gameplay, modes, and plot. The story lacks organization and coherence.
    by Sophie Wang-Evans
    Eye Icon 576
    Star Icon 36
  • Sophie introduces the game ROBLOX, its popularity, and issues with its online community. She explains what the game is about and its features. Sophie also mentions her other books and invites readers to search for them.
    by Sophie Wang-Evans
    Eye Icon 318
    Star Icon 24
  • Sophie shares her thoughts on the best VR headset in 2019, focusing on Oculus Quest and popular games like Beat Saber and Vader Immortal.
    by Sophie Wang-Evans
    Eye Icon 113
    Star Icon 9

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