Love Triangle Books

  • Strange Love
    Jackie, a black girl, meets two boys, Michael and John, in school. Both boys like her, causing Jackie to feel overwhelmed. When Jackie faints, the boys try to help her by fin…
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  • My High-school Crush
    A quiet girl named Tori navigates a complicated love triangle with her crush Benji and his girlfriend Aly, leading to unexpected changes in her life.
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  • Th
    A comedic play set in Illyria, Italy, where mistaken identities and love triangles ensue after Viola disguises herself as a man named Cesario.
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  • The Shape Monster
    A monster named Shape Monster eats different shapes until she is finally full.
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  • The Selection
    America Singer, a poor girl, is forced to enter a contest to marry Prince Maxon. She's torn between her love for Aspen and her growing feelings for the prince.
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  • The Frozen Economy
    A brief comparison of Karl Marx and Adam Smith, their ideologies, and the impact of their ideas on society.
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  • A Midsummer Night's Dream
    A love triangle between Hermia, Lysander, and Demetrius leads to confusion and a magical spell. Eventually, they all confess their true feelings and get married.
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  • Apple Annie The Color Explorer
    This book was created to encourage children and their families to go out and explore the world for colors and shapes.
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