Misspelled Words Books

  • Minecraft Dairy Of A Enderman
    Ally the enderman leaves home to prove she can remember the End and writes her adventure in her dairy.
    Also if you are wondering why words are misspelled its because this…
  • Title of your Charter Goes Here Add Pictures to enhance the presentation.
    Here are the directions for you to create your Own Magna Carta!
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  • ABC's of _____________
    An alphabet book that introduces words starting with each letter of the alphabet, but contains a few misspelled words.
  • The story consists of reflections and lesson plans related to using technology in the classroom, with some concerns and suggestions for moving forward.
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  • Technology in Language Arts
    Chapter 9 introduces new literacies such as digital literacy, blogging, vlogging, wikis, and more. It also explains terms like QWERTY keyboard, talking word processors, autoc…
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  • The Most Important Letter
    A princess with dysgraphia learns to write a letter to her father with the help of her teacher, overcoming her struggles and gaining confidence.
    Milo, a fourth-grader, creates a digital book about elephants. Along the way, he learns about plagiarism, internet safety, and copyright laws.
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  • How to Write & Publish Expository Essays
    An expository essay guide for 10th graders on the causes of WWI, including tips on thesis statements, rough drafts, editing, and creating a book.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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