My Public / Unpublished Books (14)

  • by Azalynn Campbell
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  • Three princesses are enrolled in princess school and navigate their first day with excitement and curiosity.
    by Azalynn Campbell
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  • Lucy finds a sea turtle egg, takes care of it, but is told to put it back. She does, and it hatches, leading to a race between mermaids and sea turtles.
    by Azalynn Campbell
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  • Three princesses go on a quest to find what's missing in their city and discover the concept of a fashion show.
    by Azalynn Campbell
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  • Lucy, a mermaid, encounters a giant octopus capturing frogs. She seeks help from her father and together they rescue the frogs. Lucy then swims to the frog kingdom and returns home victorious.
    by Azalynn Campbell
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  • This is the story for children about the Pentecost. It's Peter's (one of Jesus' disciples) scrapbook and from his point of view. In simple sentances and beautiful drawings, this book is perfect for children.
    by Azalynn Campbell
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  • Ally the enderman leaves home to prove she can remember the End and writes her adventure in her dairy.
    Also if you are wondering why words are misspelled its because this is someones dairy, and lots of people misspell things.
    by Azalynn Campbell
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  • A mysterious story about unknown animals in the forest and the possibility of their origins.
    by Azalynn Campbell
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  • A female mouse named Blue stand-offs with a snake named Rattle to protect her family!
    by Azalynn Campbell
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  • All about Minecraft Nether biomes and mobs! Enjoy!
    by Azalynn Campbell
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  • A monster terrorizes a kingdom, but the king's plan to defeat it with archers backfires.
    by Azalynn Campbell
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  • A family gets lost in the forest and is captured by a witch. They are eventually rescued by officers and return home with treasures.
    by Azalynn Campbell
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  • Two girls, one named Ana and the other Elsa have a fight over the BEST entertainment.
    by Azalynn Campbell
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My Collection - "Minecraft" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Lucy The Mermaid" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Learning" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Fairy Tales" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Fiction" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

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